Arlos, Aisa P.

Courses Taught
- Advanced Language Curriculum
- College Academic Skills in English
- Remedial Instruction
- Speech Communication,
- Teaching English as a Second Language
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Education in Language and Literature Education (Far Eastern University, 2017)
- Master of Education in English as a Second Language (University of the Philippines- Visayas, 2009)
Academic Interests
- English as a Second Language Assessment
- Language Pedagogy
- Parreño, J.L., Arlos, A.P., and Tarusan, M.A.E. (2020). The lived experiences of female inmates: The unfolding. Philippine Criminology Journal, Vol. 1 Issue 1 Year 2020. ISSN 2718-9929
- Arlos, A.P. (2017). Usage of Conjunction in the Descriptive Essays of the SHS Students of SSC-R, Manila. The Academician Volume XX No.1, ISSN 1655-5430.
- Arlos, A.P. (2014). Prevalence of Syntax Errors in Social Media Postings of Selected Students from SSC-R Manila: An Analysis. The Academician Volume XVII No.1, ISSN 1655-5430.
- Arlos, A.P., Dungo, M.S., Maranan, M.H., and Pesigan, N.C. (2013). Buwan ng Wika Activities as Potential Marketing Tool of SSC-R Manila. The Academician Volume XVI No.2 ISSN 1655-5430.
Atanacio, Heidi C.

Courses Taught
- Pagbasa at Pananaliksik
- Retorika
- Rizal
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Teaching Filipino (Central Mindanao University, 1995)
Academic Interests
- Philippine Studies
- Atanacio, H. (2005). Gehem vs Betugtug: Dominasyon at marhinalisasyon ng kapangyarihan sa usapin ng kasarian. Banwa. Journal sa Filipinolohiya. Vol.1 Far Eastern University.
Conferences Attended
- Interseksyon: Pelikula, Panitikan at Wikang Filipino. Conference on Cinema and Literature. University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, 2019.
- Glosaryo ng mga Salitang Balbal sa Filipino mula 1996 hanggang sa Kasalukuyan. International Conference on Philippine and Asian Studies. De La Salle Lipa, Lipa City, Batangas, 2019.
Austria, Andrea A.

Courses Taught
- Foundations of Special Education
- Learners with Developmental Disabilities
- Research and Thesis in SPED
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Education major in Special Education (National University, 2017)
Academic Interests
- Special Education
Azarcon, Jocelyn D.

Courses Taught
- Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik sa Wika at Kulturang Pilipino
- Retorika at Panitikang Pilipinas
- Wika, Kultura at Lipunan
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Teaching Filipino (Philippine Normal University, 2013)
Academic Interests
- Filipino Language Education
Baybayon, Gilbert G.

Courses Taught
- Advanced Algebra
- Mathematics in the Modern World
- Plane and Spherical Trigonometry
- Principles and Strategies in Teaching Mathematics
Academic Degrees
- Master of Science in Teaching major in Mathematics (De La Salle University, 2020)
Academic Interests
- Blended Learning
- Lesson Study
- Mathematics Education
- Science Education Research
- Baybayon, G.G. (2021). The Use of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Framework in Teaching and Learning: A Meta-Analysis. Academia Letters. 10.20935/AL692.
- Baybayon, G. G., Clemente, W. E., Eco,P. C., Rosquita, M.R., Zamora, C., Elipane, L. E. (2018). Integrating Science Experimentation in Teaching Mathematics: A Lesson Study. 7th International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), 7 (4.1), 63-66. Retrieved from
- Alburo, J.G., Baybayon, G.G., Bragais, D., Hidakan, J., Lucido, A.G., Padua, J.C., Nivera, G. (2015). Students’ Understanding of Equal Symbol and Equality Concept. 10.6084/M9.FIGSHARE.13848272.V2.
Conferences Attended
- 2018 International Conference of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education (Seoul National University of Education, 2018)
Blas, Maria Theresa B.

Courses Taught
- Environmental Science
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Natural Science
- The Teaching Profession
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Instructional Management (Miriam College, 2004)
Academic Interests
- Environmental Education
Borines, Maria Talitha Estrella L.

Courses Taught
- Home and School Relationships
- Language and Numeracy
- Management and Supervision of Early Childhood Education
- Principles of Teaching
- Research in Preschool Education
- Wika, Kultura, at Lipunan
Academic Degrees
- Master of Family Life and Child Development (University of the Philippines, 2016)
Conferences Attended
- PSYCREG International Conference on Psychology Counselling and Education (ICPCE), August 2-4, 2018, New era Quezon City
Bravo, Arnel D.

Courses Taught
- Advanced Communication Skills for School Managers
- Ethics of Leadership and Governance of Schools
- Instructional Pedagogy for Specific Discipline
- Scholarly Inquiry
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Education major in Educational Administration (Far Eastern University, 2016)
- Master of Arts in Theology (Divine World Seminary-Tagaytay, 1996)
Academic Interests
- Educational Administration
Awards and Honors
- Best Thesis Adviser: “The Interplay Of Affective Filter And Teaching Strategies In A Classroom Oral Discourse” by Ernest Joseph C. Domingo, Ding Allen R. Makasilang, Ruen Vincent A. Mendoza, Ian Carl E. Puig, Marc Conrad P. Ribao during the IE-GS 4th Tamaraw Education Research Festival, December 5, 2018
- Best Thesis Adviser: “A Qualitative Descriptive Study Exploring Students’ Perspective On Plagiarism” by Marie Jhayleen Cesista, Mariyela Mari Hugo, Ruen Vincent Mendoza, Ian Carl Puig, Mariedelle Turla during the IE-GS 3rd Tamaraw Education Research Festival, April 28, 2018
- Bravo, A. (2013). A Survey on Student Leadership Training Program for School Year 2012-2013. La Consolacion College Manila Research Digest.
- Bravo, A. (2013). Campus Ministry Program to the Students. La Consolacion College Manila Research Digest.
- Bravo, A. (2013). Impact of LCCM Campus Ministry Program to the Students. La Consolacion College Manila Research Digest.
Conferences Attended
- FEU Webinar Series for Faculty: “Integration of Peace Studies in Higher Education Curriculum”, 2021
- Resetting Teacher Education in the New Normal as part of the AsTEN ICONNECT Webinar Series with the theme “Hindsight, Insights, and Foresights: Teacher Education Institutions in Southeast Asia in the New Normal”, 2020
- FEU Webinar Series for Faculty: “ Integration of Indigenous Peoples Studies in Higher Education Curriculum”, 2020
- 5th Sustainability Initiatives: Case Studies in Malaysia, Philippines, and Indonesia (SIMPI), 2020
- “Flexi-Learning in NCR Graduate Schools: Technology-Based Teaching and Learning Strategies in the New Normal”, 2020
- “New Policies and Standards: Transforming the Landscape of Graduate Education”, 2020
- Prevailing Research Approaches in Ethnic Studies and Literature, 2019
- Philippine Association for Teachers and Educators, Inc. (PAFTE) 47th Annual Convention & 50th Golden Anniversary, 2018
- ASAIHL 3rd International Graduate Students Multi-Disciplinary Research Conference, 2018
- PAGE-NCR Research Congress Theme: “ Mixing, Matching, and Meaning—Making: The Confluence of Quantitative and Qualitative Research”, 2018
- CHED-BEST Capacity Building for Teacher Education Institution May 21-23, 2018 Faculty Series No.3: Curriculum Contextualization: Putting Content, Pedagogy and Technology in Context, 2018
- 46th Annual and 7th International PAFTE Convention Theme: “Teaching to Lead, Leading to Teach”, 2017
- Conference of the Deans, Program Heads & Research Directors of Graduate Schools in NCR, 2017
- Orientation on the Niche Transnational Graduate Education Programme, 2017
Cabanza II, Leo G.

Courses Taught
- Art Appreciation
- Readings in the Philippine History
- The Life and Works of Rizal
Academic Degrees
- Masters in Philosophical Research (De La Salle University Manila, 2017)
Academic Interests
- Educational Technology
- Philosophy in Technology
Culala, H., Cabanza, Leo II. (2018). Educating Generation Alpha: Teaching and Learning for Sustainable Education, presented at Sustainable Initiative: Case Studies in Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Cahiwat, Mary Lorna C

Courses Taught
- College Academic Skills in English
- Purposive Communication
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Education major in English (De La Salle Araneta University, 2019)
Academic Interests
- English Language Education
- Discourse Analysis
- Language Acquisition
- Literature, Linguistics
- Phonology
- Reading Comprehension
Capati, Ariel T.

Courses Taught
- Assessment and Evaluation
- Curriculum Development
- Educational Technology
- Facilitating Learning
- Measurement
- Principles of Teaching
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Biology Education (University of the Philippines-Diliman, 2014)
Academic Interests
- Assessment and Evaluation in Education
- Curriculum, Instruction, Education Technology, and Science Education
- Measurement and Testing in Education
- Sociology of Education
Awards and Honors
- Academic Excellence Awardee (University of the Philippines-Diliman, 2014)
- Capati, Ariel T. (2020). Biology YouTube Videos with Focus Questions: Effects on Student Concept Understanding and Media-literacy Skills. Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA. 21 (1), 2020, 01-11. e-ISSN: 2685-5488; p-ISSN: 1411-2531
- Recede, R.A.A., Capati,A.T., Yangco,R.T. & Castro, M.A. (2020). “Metacognitive Analogy Instruction: Effects on Students’ Reflective Thinking in Learning Biology.” Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA 21(1):12–21. DOI:; e-ISSN: 2685-5488; p-ISSN: 1411-2531.
Conferences Attended
- Paper Presenter: “Relevance, Appropriateness, and Responsiveness of Intended Technical Vocational Education Curriculum” 1st Asia Pacific Conference on Curriculum Studies and Instructional Designing: “Shaping the Future of Curriculum Studies: Policies, Perspectives, and Challenges.” Crowne Plaza Manila Galleria, Ortigas Center, Quezon City Philippines. September 22-24, 2017
- Paper Presenter: “Concept Understanding and Media Literacy Skills of Biology Students” 1st Education Research Colloquium between Faculty of Education Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) & Far Eastern University (FEU) Philippines; Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, August 11, 2016
- Paper Presenter: “ Philosophy at Work in Philippine Education: Trends and Issues”. Benitez Hall, University of the Philippines – Diliman College of Education, May 2017
- Paper Presenter: “Pedagogical Practices of Exemplary Science Educators: A Grounded Theory Approach”” Research Colloquium,University Research Center, Far Eastern University, September 29, 2016
- Resource Speaker: “Classroom Management for Senior High School Teachers” FEU Institute of Education and NIE Singapore Joint Teacher Training Program 2015 (FEU Manila)
- Resource Speaker: “IN na IN ka sa Agham at Matematika” University of the Philippines – Diliman, College of Education, May 2011
- Organizer & Participant: “2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Curriculum Studies and Instructional Designing: “Program Evaluation and Educational Leadership: Innovations and Challenges” Crowne Plaza Manila Galleria, Ortigas Center, Quezon City Philippines. October 19-21, 2018
- Organizer & Participant: Graduate Students Forum – Theme: Current Updates, Trends, and Developments in Curriculum Studies. UP NISMED. May 12, 2018
- Organizer & Participant: “1st Asia Pacific Conference on Curriculum Studies and Instructional Designing: “Shaping the Future of Curriculum Studies: Policies, Perspectives, and Challenges.” Crowne Plaza Manila Galleria, Ortigas Center, Quezon City Philippines. September 22-24, 2017
- Participant: “K-12 Curriculum and Instruction: Perspectives, Challenges, and Innovations.” UP NISMED Auditorium, U.P. Diliman Quezon City. November 26, 2016
- Participant: “5th FEU Management Camp,” Sol Y Viento Hotel and Resorts, Calamba, Laguna, September 8-9, 2016,
- Participant: “4th FEU Management Camp,” Oasis Hotel, Clarkville Compound, Angeles, Pampanga, November 12-13, 2015,
- Participant: “FEU Culture of Teaching and Service Seminar,” Fontana Leisure Parks, Claro M. Recto Highway Economic Zone, Pampanga, August 20-23, 2015,
Caranguian, Reynaldo G.

Courses Taught
- Language and Literature Education
- Language, Culture and Society
- Philippine & World Literature
- Speech Communication
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Education major in Educational Administration (Far Eastern University, 2008)
- Master of Arts in Education major in English (National Teacher College, 2003)
Academic Interests
- Language and Literature
- Philippine Vernaculars
Awards and Honors
- Caranguian, R. (2008). Games and Other Stories: A Reading of short Stories of Jesus Cruz. IAS- URC , 30.
- Caranguian, R. (2008). Teaching Literature: Article The Art of Teaching Best Practices. FEU Publications. 52-55
Co Shu Ming, Sandra G.

Courses Taught
- Adapted P.E., Music and Health
- Curriculum and Pedagogy in Inclusive Education
- Individualized Education Plan
- Introduction to Special Education
- Observational Child Study
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy, Educational Psychology (De La Salle University, Candidate)
- Master of Arts in Education major in Special Education (Centro Escolar University, 2015)
- Doctor of Dental Medicine (Centro Escolar University, 1990)
Academic Interests
- Achievement Goals
- Adulting
- Inclusive Education
Conferences Attended
- Speaker, Shared Reading at Home and in School, Webinar – De La Salle University Counseling and Educational Psychology Department (CEPD), May 7, 2021
- 5th International Conference on Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Title of Paper: A Review of the Performance Assessment System at FEU-IE, May 26 – May 28, 2021
- ASEAN Summit on Giftedness Philippine Associated for the Gifted Crown Plaza Galleria, Quezon City October 24-25, 2014 4th National Parents Congress on Visual Impairment Bayview Park Hotel, Manila May 9 -11, 2014 11th Annual Convention “Nurturing Potential Towards Achieving Excellence” Philippine Association for the Gifted EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong Nov. 26, 2008
Co, Stephen Jay D.

Courses Taught
- Education Technology
- Facilitating Learning
- Management of School System
- Mathematics in the Modern World
- Principles of Teaching
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Education major in Educational Administration (Far Eastern University, 2016)
- Master of Arts in Mathematics Education (University of Santo Tomas, 2010)
Academic Interests
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Education Technology
- Leadership and Management
- Mathematics Education
- Teacher Education
Cobarrubias, Normita D.

Courses Taught
- Introduction to Linguistics
- Speech Communication
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Education major in Literature and Language Education (Far Eastern University, 2016)
- Master of Arts in Education major in Drama and Theater Arts (Philippine Normal University, 2001)
Academic Interests
- Discourse Description Theoretical Justifications and Practical Comprehensible Inputs from the College Learners’ Monitors and Affective Filters
Concha, Jhonalyn M.

Courses Taught
- Communication Theory
- Communication and Research
- Speech Communication
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Education major in Curriculum and Instruction (Far Eastern University, 2008)
Academic Interests
- Education
- Communication
- Media Literacy
Cruz, Jayson F.

Courses Taught
- Advanced Administration and Supervision in Physical Education
- Organization and Management in Physical Education
- Research
- Wellness and Recreation Program Courses
Academic Degrees
- Doctor in Educational Management (Polytechnic University of the Philippines, 2011)
- Master in Physical Education and Sports (Pamantasang Lungsod Ng Maynila, 2007)
Academic Interests
- Educational Management
- Health Education
- Physical Education
- Wellness and Recreation
Culala, Harold John D.

Courses Taught
- Advanced Studies in Curriculum and Instruction
- Curriculum Development
- Educational Assessment and Evaluation
- Educational Technology
- Methods of Educational Research
- Philosophy of Values and Ethics
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy Curriculum Studies (Taylor’s University, 2019)
- Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction (Far Eastern University, 2009)
Academic Interests
- Assessment for learning
- Curriculum Theory and Development
- History of Curriculum and Education Reforms
- Sociology of Education
- Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Awards and Honors
- Education Leadership Award (2016), CMO Asia in the 7th Asia’s Education Excellence Award, Singapore, Singapore
- Outstanding Contribution to Education (2014), World Education Congress, Mumbai, India.
- Teaching Excellence Award (2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014), Far Eastern University
- Bayer Young Environmental Envoy of the Philippines, 2006, Bayer International
- Mohamed Salim, N. A., Ali, M. N. S., Djatmika, D., & Culala, H. J. (2022). Digital Literacy as the New Dimension in Measuring Advertising Literacy: Towards a “Super Smart Society”. European Alliance for Innovation (EAI).
- Culala, H. (2022). The “New Normal” in Education and the Future of Schooling. KnE Social Sciences, 40-47.
- Culala H., De Leon J.A.V. (2020) Secondary Education for Sustainable Development. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Özuyar P., Wall T. (eds) Quality Education. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham.
- De Leon, J.A.V., & Culala, H. (2019). Issues on Sustainability in Education: The Philippine Basic Education Curriculum conundrum. Jurnal Kemanusiaan, 17(2).
- Culala, H., & Jintalan, J.R. (2019). Socio-ideological reproduction in Filipino workers exportation: a view on Sustainability Education. Jurnal Kemanusiaan, 17(2).
- Wijesinghe, S., Mura, P., Culala, H. (2019). Eurocentrism, Capitalism, and Tourism Knowledge. Tourism Management, 70, 178-187.
- Culala, H., Cabanza, Leo II. (2018). Educating Generation Alpha: Teaching and Learning for Sustainable Education, presented at Sustainable Initiative: Case Studies in Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Culala, H., De Leon J. A. (2018). Issues on sustainable education in the Philippines: The K-12 basic education curriculum conundrum, presented at Sustainable Initiative: Case Studies in Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Culala, H., Jintalan, J. (2018). Socio-ideological Reproduction in Filipino Workers Exportation, presented at Sustainable Initiative: Case Studies in Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Aguilos, M. S., Culala, H. (2017). The Yaya Dub Phenomenon: Stereotyping Work Roles of Filipina Domestic Workers as Depicted on a Noon Time Show in the Philippines. In MENTION 2017. Refereed paper from the 17th Biennial International Conference on Media and Communication. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
- Culala, H., De Leon, J. A. (2017). Audience, a moribund concept: understanding post-millennial generation audiences. In MENTION 2017. Refereed paper from the 17th Biennial International Conference on Media and Communication. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
- Da Silva, M. A., Culala, H. (2017). Media and Neoliberalism in the Time of Duterte. In MENTION 2017. Refereed paper from the 17th Biennial International Conference on Media and Communication. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
- Culala, H. (2016, October). Technological Contribution Towards the Education Sector. APAC CIO Outlook (Special Edition), 30-33.
- Culala, H. (2016). Education and the technology solutions companies. APAC CIO Outlook Magazine.
- Culala, H. (2014). Curriculum Development. In Licensure Examination for Teachers (2014 Ed). (pp. 76-91). Mutya Publishing. Manila, Philippines.
- Culala, H. (2014). Educational Technology. In Licensure Examination for Teachers (2014 Ed). (pp. 92-108). Mutya Publishing. Manila, Philippines.
- Culala, H. (2013). Higher EDTECH: Pedagogical and Technical Challenges of Education Technology Nations. In Research and Education in ASEAN Plus Three. Keynote session from the ASEAN Plus Three Graduate Research Congress (p. 22). Mahidol University, Thailand. [ISBN 978-616-279-424-7]
- Culala, H. (2013). Webometric Ranking of World Universities: Visibility to ASEAN Countries. In Research and Education in ASEAN Plus Three. Refereed paper from the ASEAN Plus Three Graduate Research Congress (p. 27). Mahidol University, Thailand. [ISBN 978-616-279-424-7]
- Culala, H. (2012). Curriculum Development, In Licensure Examination for Teachers (pp. 92-105). Manila. MET LET Specialist Publishing.
- Culala, H. (2012). Curriculum Development. In Licensure Examination for Teachers (2012), (pp. 92-105), MET LET Specialist Publishing.
- Culala, H. (2008). Adding Impetus to Licensure Examination for Teachers. The Seed (The Far Eastern University Institute of Education Research Journal), 2(1), 29-37.
Conferences Attended
- Culala, H. D. (2016, September 27). Cultivating EdTech in Higher Education: A Case of FEU. 2nd Annual New Generation Learning Spaces. Singapore, Singapore.
- Culala, H. D. (2016, September 14). Responsible Global Citizens in the Digital Age. Plenary Speaker at 1st Philippine International Conference in Teacher Education, Manila, Philippines.
- Culala, H. D. (2016, April 18-19). Exploring the Missing Link Between Graduation and Employment in Asia. Special Lecture at Digital Education Show Asia 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
De Leon, John Angelo V.

Courses Taught
- College Academic Skills in English
- Curriculum Development
- Educational Research
- Scholarly Inquiry
- Speech Communication
- The Teaching Profession
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts major in English Language Studies (University of Santo Tomas, 2015)
Academic Interests
- Knowledge production in Curriculum
- Culala, H., De Leon, J.A. (2019). Secondary Education for Sustainable Development. In W.L. Filho, (Eds). Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer Nature.
- De Leon, J. A., & Culala, H. J. (2019). Issues on sustainability in education: The Philippine basic education curriculum conundrum. Jurnal Kemanusiaan, 17(2).
- De Leon, J. A., & Jintalan, J. (2018). Accepted or not: Homosexuality, media, and the culture of silence in the philippine society. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication.
- De Leon, J.A.V. & Tarrayo, V.N. (2014). “Cyber” Reading in L2: Online Reading Strategies of Students in a Philippine Public High School. Journal on English Language Teaching, 4(2), 8-17. Retrieved October 15, 2019 from
De Leon, Kriselle B.

Courses Taught
- Behavior Management and Modification
- Educational Assessment of Students with Additional Needs
- Field Experience in Special Education,
- Introduction to Learning Disabilities
- Movement and Arts in Special Education
- Music,
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy in Education major in Special Education (St. Joseph’s College Quezon City, 2017)
- Master of Arts major in Special Education (Manuel L. Quezon University, 2010)
Academic Interests
- Inclusive Education, Special Education
- De Leon, K.B. Cachero, J.M., Davidson, R. Pine, R. Rosales, Shela & Saquing, K.M. (2018). A Transition Program for Adults with Special Needs in an Urban Setting. St. Joseph’s College of QC Graduate School Research Journal., Vol 1; ISSN 2619-7235.41-50.
Digo, Irish Sherina M.

Courses Taught
- Principles and Theories of Language Acquisition and Learning
- Purposive Communication
- Speech Communication
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Reading Education (University of the Philippines Diliman, 2014)
Academic Interests
- Cross linguistic transfer
- Reading Education
Dimarucot, Heildenberg C.

Courses Taught
- Advance Supervision and Administration
- Assessment in Physical Fitness
- Current Trends and Issues in Sports and Recreation
- Foundation in Physical Education
- Sports Management
Academic Degrees
- Doctor in Educational Management (Polytechnic University of the Philippines, 2018)
- Master of Arts in Teaching Physical Education (University of the East, 2012)
Academic Interests
- Blended Learning
- Curriculum Evaluation
- Dance and Sports Science
- Educational Equity, Physical Education
- Educational Management
- Flipped Learning Model
- Dimarucot, H., Rosales, J., (2020). Educational Equity through Engagement in the Bachelor of Physical Education Major in Sports and Wellness Management Program in the National Capital Region: Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research. Vol.8 no.2, 131-140: P-ISSN: 2350-7756, E-ISSN: 2350-8442. May 2020.
- Dimarucot, H., (2019). Evaluation of Bachelor of Physical Education Major in Sports and Wellness Management Program in San Beda University Using the Engagement Theory of Program Quality (ETPQ): SCIENTIA – The International Journal on the Liberal Arts. Vol.8.1. ISSN: 2546-194X.
Dino-Aparicio, Chenee M.

Courses Taught
- Advanced Linguistics
- Assessment and Evaluation
- Language and Literature
- Trends in Language Education, Socio-Psycholinguistics
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Linguistics (De La Salle University, 2016)
- Master of Arts in Education Major in English (Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation-Lucena, 2011)
Academic Interests
- Computer-Mediated Communication
- Sociolinguistics
- Gustilo, L. & Dino, C. (2019 in press). ‘Internet.’ In Borlongan, A. M. (Ed.). Philippine English: Development, structure and sociology of English in the Philippines. London, the United Kingdom: Routledge.
- Cruz, PM., Aquino, NC. & Dino-Aparicio, CM. (2019). Pre-Service Teachers’ Mindset Profiling. Nationalian Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, 1. ISSN 2704-355X.
- Dino, C. & Gustilo, L. (2018). FB Digitalking: Standard, non-standard, or lexical Hybrids. Journal of Computational and Theoretial Nanoscience.24 (11). ISSN: 8328-8331. DOI: 10.1166/asl.2018.12554
- Gustilo, L. & Dino, C. (2017). Old Speak or young speak: An analysis of linguistic features in Filipino Netspeak. Advanced Science Letters. ISSN:1936-6612, EISSN: 1936-7317.
- Gustilo, L. & Dino, C. (2017). Digitalk: An Analysis of Linguistic Features and Their Functions in Filipino Computer-Mediated Communication. Advanced Science Letters. ISSN:1936-6612, EISSN: 1936-7317.
- Dino, C. & Gustilo, L. (2015). Digitalk: An Exploration of the Linguistic Features of CMC. International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics, 1 (1), 51-55.
- Dino, C. (2012) Code-switching Patterns, Practices and Functions in the Tertiary Technical Laboratory Classroom Discourse. The Academician: An Interdisciplinary Research Journal of SSC-R Manila, 15 (1), January-June Issue.
Dionisio, Maricar T.

Courses Taught
- Curriculum and Pedagogy in Inclusive Education
- Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education
- Learners with Sensory and Physical Disabilities
- Methods and Strategies in Special Education
- Practice Teaching
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy in Education Major in Special Education (St. Joseph’s College of Quezon City, 2019)
- Master of Arts in Education Major in Special Education (Far Eastern University, 2015)
- Master of Arts in Education Major in Curriculum and Instruction (Far Eastern University, 2004)
Academic Interests
- Special Education
- Physical Education
Ebron Jr., Gregorio P.

Courses Taught
- Language Research
- Purposive Communication
- Speech Communication
- Technology in Teaching Language
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Education with Specialization in English Language Teaching (Philippine Normal University, 2019)
Academic Interests
- English Language Teaching
- Teaching Writing
Awards and Honors
- Best Research Paper Award Research Paper Title: MOOCs & More: Developing ELLs Proficiency & Autonomy 13th National e-Learning Conference (PeLS-NeLC 2016) Saint Louis University, Baguio City, Philippines September 15-16, 2016
- Best Research Paper Presenter Award Research Paper Title: Let’s Face It! Using Facebook in the ESL Classroom 2016 UP CMC Graduate Student Conference on Communication and Media Studies University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City April 25, 2016
- Ebron, G. P., & Mabuan, R. A. (in press). Flipped Learning Approach in Teaching Writing in a University Setting:
Students’ Experiences, Preferences, and Perspectives. Asian EFL Journal. - Mabuan, R. A., & Ebron, G. P. (2018). MOOCs & More: Integrating F2F & Virtual Classes via Blended Learning
Approach. Asian EFL Journal, 20(2), 220-237.
20-issue-2-2018/ - Mabuan, R. A., Ramos, A., Matala, C., Navarra, A., & Ebron, G. (2018). MOOCs for Teacher Professional Development:
The Philippine Experience. Asian EFL Journal, 20(12), 194-214.
journal/the-asian-efl-journal-quarterly-volume-20-issue-12-3-december-2018/ - Mabuan, R. A., & Ebron, G. P. (2017). A Blended Learning Approach to Teaching Writing: Using E-mail in the ESL
Classroom. Asian EFL Journal, 100, 80-103.
articles/2017/04/volume-100-may-2017-teaching-Article/ - Mabuan, R. A., & Ebron, G. (2017). Facebook Integration into University Classes: Opportunities and Challenges. In
Proceedings of the 31st Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation. Cebu City,
Philippines: University of the Philippines.
Conferences Attended
- MOOC Camp-based Flipped Learning in Higher Education 2nd International Virtual TESOL Conference 2020 by the Asian EFL Journal Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia; September 5-6, 2020
- Flipped Learning Approach in Teaching Writing in a University Setting: Students’ Experiences, Preferences, and Perspectives. 2nd Asian EFL Journal’s International Conference on Research and Publication Site Skills Training Campus, Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga, Philippines, November 8-10, 2019
- MOOCs & MOOC Camps: Engaging Teacher Professional Development Presented at the 2018/27th International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching Chien Tan Overseas Youth Activity Center, Taipei, Taiwan November 9-11, 2018
- MOOCs for Teacher Professional Development: The Philippine Experience. 1st Asian EFL Journal’s International Conference on Research and Publication Site Skills Training Campus, Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga, Philippines August 24-26, 2018
- A Flipped Learning Approach to Teaching Academic Writing: Student Preferences and Attitudes Presented at the International Conference on ESP, New Technologies and Digital Learning Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong December 7-9, 2017/ Facebook Integration into University ESL Classes: Opportunities and Challenges. 31st Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation University of the Philippines, Cebu City, Philippines November 16-18, 2017
- MOOCs & More: Integrating F2F & Virtual Classes via Blended Learning Approach. 15th Annual TESOL International Conference, Site Skills Training, Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga, Philippines, April 7-9, 2017
- A blended learning approach to teaching writing: Using E-mail in the ESL Classroom. 14th TESOL Asia
- Asian EFL Journal Annual International Conference. TESOL Centre Site Skills Training, Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga, Philippines August 21 – 23, 2015
- Blended Learning Approach to Teaching Writing: Using E-mail in the ESL Classroom 12th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia February 20 – 21, 2016
Evangelista, Michelle M.

Courses Taught
- Art Appreciation
- Speech Communication
- Purposive Communication
Academic Degrees
Master in Education major in Educational Administration (Chonbuk National University, South Korea, 2011)
Academic Interests
- Educational Leadership/ Administration
- Internationalization in Education
Gabunilas, Joana Marie Carina M.

Courses Taught
- Advance Sport Coaching and Officiating
- Applied Motor Control
- Cardiorespiratory Fitness / Aerobic Training Methods
- Learning of Exercise, Sports and Dance,
Academic Degrees
- Doctor in Educational Management (Polytechnic University of the Philippines, 2019)
- Master in Physical Education (Far Eastern University, 2013)
Academic Interests
- Sport Coaching
- Sports Management
- Physical Education
- Gabunilas, J.M.C. (2019). Mental Toughness and Sports Competition Anxiety on Improving the Sports Performance of FEU Athletes and Cheer Dancers. International Journal of Recent Innovations in Academic Research, 3(5), 203-219.
Gamolo, Maria Gia G.

Courses Taught
- Comparative Philosophy of Education
- Educational and Community Relations
- Seminar in Administrative Thoughts Applied in Education
- Trends and Issues in Education, , ,
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Education major in Educational Leadership (The National Teachers College, 2013)
- Master of Arts major in Library Science (Far Eastern University, 1999)
Academic Interests
- Library Science
Gidalanga, Marielle C.

Courses Taught
- Art Appreciation
- Life and Works of Rizal
- Readings in Philippine History
- Purposive Communication
- Wika, Kultura at Lipunan,
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Philippine Studies-Language, Media and Culture (De La Salle University, 2019)
Academic Interests
- Culture
- Gender Studies
- Language
- Media
- Philippine Studies
- Demeterio, F., Gidalanga, M., and Belacho, C. (2021). A Comparative Study on the Formation of Gay Language Words and Utility Vehicle Express Codes. Language and Language Teaching Journal, 24(1) pp 51-69. DOI:
Conferences Attended
- Presenter, Kumperensya sa Araling Filipino: Wika, Kultura, Midya, at Internet, Pamantasang De La Salle-Maynila, September 19, 2020
- Presenter, First Virtual Local Studies Conference De La Salle Lipa-Center for Batangas Studies, October 23-24, 2020
- Presenter and Moderator, Fifth International Conference on Philippine and Asian Studies, May 9-11, 2019, De La Salle Lipa, Batangas
- Presenter, Fourth International Conference on Philippine and Asian Studies, May 3-5, 2018, Visayas State University, Baybay, Leyte
- Presenter, Third International Conference on Philippine and Asian Studies, May 11-13, 2017, Aklan State University, Kalibo, Aklan
Hernandez, Mary Hyacinth T.

Courses Taught
- College Academic Skills in English
- Language Curriculum for Secondary School
- Purposive Communication
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Education major in English Language Teaching (Far Eastern University, 2019)
Academic Interests
- Language Acquisition
- Language Anxiety
- Language Learning
Hofileña, Rizaldy C.

Courses Taught
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Assessment of Fitness and Sports Performance
- Research Physical Education and Sports
- Sociological and Anthropological Aspect of Sports
- Physiology of Exercise and Physical Activity
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Education major in Educational Management (National University, 2014)
- Master of Education in Physical Education (Philippine Normal University, 2012)
Academic Interests
- Dance Pedagogy
- Dance and Sports Curriculum
- Socio-anthrophological Perspective of Sports
- Sports Management
Awards and Honors
- Assistant Technical Delegate for Aerobic Gymnastics. 30th Southeast Asian Games Manila Philippines November 30- December 11, 2019
- Hofilena, R. C. (2019). Dance in the Philippines: Various Lenses of Dance Education and Management. Research in Dance and Physical Education.
Huelar, Maria Corazon S.

Courses Taught
- Advanced Educational Statistics
- Advanced Policy Analysis in Education
- Educational Measurement and Evaluation
- Quantitative Methods of Research with Statistical Analysis
- Seminar in Economics in Education,
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy in Education-Research Evaluation (University of the Philippines Diliman, 2006)
- Master in Education-Science Education (University of the Philippines Diliman, 1992)
Academic Interests
- Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation in Education
- Corazon, M., & Huelar, S. (2012). Two-Four Group Educational Reserch Designs: Pretest-Posttest Interaction, Switching Replication and Treatment Effect. International Journal of Arts & Sciences.
Hyatt, Janeth S.

Courses Taught
- Life and works of Rizal
- Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary Grades 1
- Readings in Philippine History
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Education major in Special Education (University of the Philippines, 2013)
Academic Interests
- Educational Policy and Evaluation
- Power Relations in Policy and Evaluation
- Socio-cultural power relations in the classroom
- Hyatt, J. (2012). Philippine History with Politics, Governance and Constitution. Quezon City, Philippines. AMA Education System.
- Hyatt, J. (2011). Society and Culture. Quezon City, Philippines. AMA Education System.
Jintalan, Joseph R.

Courses Taught
- Educational Measurement and Evaluation
- Issues and Trends in Education
- Social Dimensions of Education
- The Teaching of Science
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Education major in Educational Administration (Far Eastern University, 2015)
Academic Interests
- Power-knowledge in the curriculum
- Sociology in education
- Culala, H. J., & Jintalan, J. (2019). Socio-ideological reproduction in Filipino workers exportation: A view on sustainability education. Jurnal Kemanusiaan, 17(2).
- De Leon, J. A., & Jintalan, J. (2018). Accepted or not: Homosexuality, media, and the culture of silence in the philippine society. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication.
Conferences Attended
- Panel Discussion Speaker, Assessment for Flexible Learning Deliveries, International Conference on Educational Measurement and Evaluation “Assessment in the New Normal: Issues, Challenges, and Prospects”, Philippine Educational Measurement and Evaluation Association, May 26-28, 2021
- Fronting Perspectives in Education: Education’s Response to Pandemic. International Conference on Multi-perspectives in Education, November 27, 2020
- Socio-ideological reproduction in Filipino workers exportation: A view on sustainability education. The 4th International Conference of 4th Sustainable Initiatives: Case Study Studies in Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines (SIMPI 2018)/December 11-12, 2018
- Accepted or not: Homosexuality, media, and the culture of silence in the Philippine society. MENTION 2017: International Conference on Media and Communication 2017/Nov. 20-22, 2017
Junio, Nenitha L.

Courses Taught
- Human Resource Management
- Organizational Behavior
- Strategic Management
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Education, School Administration (Far Eastern University, 2005)
- Master of Business Administration (Far Eastern University, 1989)
Academic Interests
- Cooperatives
Labangon, Irianne G.

Courses Taught
- College Academic Skills in English
- Language, Culture and Society
- Speech Communication
Academic Degrees
- Master in English Language Studies (University of Santo Tomas, 2015)
Academic Interests
- Educational Leadership
- Language studies
- Linguistics
Conferences Attended
- Moves Analysis of Research Introductions of Senior High School Students, 1st UE Balagdiwa at Kamalayan National Research Conference, University of the East–Manila January 30-31, 2020
- Metadiscourse Markers: Hedges and Boosters in Research Papers of Senior High School Students, Research Summit 2019, San Beda University, April 26, 2019
Lumabi, Bethany Marie C.

Courses Taught
- Art Appreciation
- College Academic Skills in English
- Readings in Philippine History
- Speech Communication
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Teaching English Language Arts (Philippine Normal University, 2012)
Academic Interests
- English Language Education
- Sociolinguistics
- Lumabi, B. M. (2020). The Lexical Trend of Backward Speech among Filipino Millenials on Facebook. International Journal of English and Comparative Literary Studies, Vol.1, Issue 1.
- Lumabi, B. M. (2020). Task Based Dictation (TBD): A Means of Improving the Language Proficiency of College Students. Middle Eastern Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences, 1(2), 116-130.
- Lumabi, B. M. (2019). College Students’ Experience and Attitudes Towards Peer Feedback in Writing. In DLSU Research Congress
Conferences Attended
- Task Based Dictation (TBD): A Means of Improving the Language Proficiency of College Students. Hong Kong International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society (HKICEPS 2016), December 14-16, 2016.
- The Lexical Trend of Backward Speech among Filipino Millennials on Facebook. 23rd International Association for World Englishes Conference, May 31 – June 2, 2018, Ateneo de Manila University
Mabuan, Romualdo A.

Courses Taught
- Business Communication
- Developmental & Remedial Reading Instruction
- Development & Production of Instructional Materials
- Fundamentals of English
- Purposive Communication
- Speech Communication
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Linguistics (De La Salle University – Manila, 2021)
- Master of Arts in Teaching English Language Arts (Philippine Normal University – Manila, 2011)
Academic Interests
- Continuing Professional Development
- Digital Learning and Technologies
- Language Documentation
- Teacher Education
Awards and Honors
- Ambassador for TESOL 2020 Virtual Convention & English Language Expo, 2020
- Betty Azar Travel Grant for Practicing EFL/ESL Teachers at 2018 TESOL International Convention & English Language Expo in Chicago, USA, 2018
- Best Research Paper Award at the 13th National e-Learning Conference in Saint Louis University, Baguio City, 2016
- Best Research Paper Presenter Award at the UP CMC Graduate Student Conference on Communication and Media Studies in University of the Philippines, Diliman, 2016
- Commission on Higher Education – Faculty Development Program Phase II Scholar for Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Linguistics, 2014
- Ebron, G. P., & Mabuan, R. A. (in press). Flipped Learning Approach in Teaching Writing in a University Setting: Students’ Experiences, Preferences, and Perspectives. Asian EFL Journal.
- Mabuan, R. A. (2020). MOOCs and MOOC Camps for Online Teacher Professional Development:Experiences and Perspectives from the Philippines. In H.S. Kang, D.S. Shin, & T. Cimasko (Eds.). Online Education for Teachers of English as a Global Language (pp. 80-104). New York, USA: Routledge.
- Mabuan, R. A. (2018). Confessions of a MOOCer: An Autoethnographic Inquiry on Online Distance Education. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 19(4), 198-213.
- Mabuan, R. A. (2018). Using Blogs in Teaching Tertiary ESL Writing. English Review: Journal of English Education, 6(2), 1-10.
- Mabuan, R. A., & Ebron, G. P. (2018). MOOCs & More: Integrating F2F & Virtual Classes via Blended Learning Approach. Asian EFL Journal, 20(2), 220-237.
- Mabuan, R. A., Ramos, A., Matala, C., Navarra, A., & Ebron, G. (2018). MOOCs for Teacher Professional Development: The Philippine Experience. Asian EFL Journal, 20(12), 194-214.
- Mabuan, R. A. (2017). Developing ESL/EFL Learners’ Public Speaking Skills through Pecha Kucha Presentations. English Review: Journal of English Education, 6(1), 1-10.
- Mabuan, R. A., & Ebron, G. P. (2017). A Blended Learning Approach to Teaching Writing: Using E-mail in the ESL Classroom. Asian EFL Journal, 100, 80-103.
- Mabuan, R. A. (2017). A Contrastive Rhetorical Analysis of Philippine and Sri Lankan English News Commentaries. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 6(2), 330-340.
Mabuan, R. A., & Ebron, G. (2017). Facebook Integration into University Classes: Opportunities and Challenges. In Proceedings of the 31st Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation. Cebu City, Philippines: University of the Philippines. - Genuino, C., & Mabuan, R. A. (2017). Intrusions of Masbate Lexicon in Local Bilingual Tabloid. In Proceedings of the 31st Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation. Cebu City, Philippines: University of the Philippines.
Conferences Attended
- Confessions of a Webinarian: An Autoethnographic Inquiry on Online Teacher Professional Development. SEAMEO Congress 2021 (Online). SEAMEO & UNESCO. April 28-29, 2021
- Using MOOCs for Teacher Training in Low-Resourced Areas. TESOL 2021 International Convention and English Language Expo (Online). TESOL International Association; March 24-27, 2021
- Masbatenyo Language Documentation: Journey, Insights, and Reflections. 3rd Linguistic Society of the Philippines International Conference (Online). University of Sto. Tomas, Manila, Philippines; March 11-13, 2021
- Webbing the Wonders of Webinars: An Autoethnographic Inquiry on Online Teacher Professional Development. 17th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching (Online). IDP Education; February 5-7, 2021
- MOOC Camp-based Flipped Learning in Higher Education. 2nd International Virtual TESOL Conference 2020 by the Asian EFL Journal Group & Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia; September 5-6, 2020
- Exploring the Ethnolinguistic Vitality of Dumaget Indigenous Language: The Case of Three Philippine Provinces. FEL XXIII (2019): Foundation for Endangered Languages International Conference. Sydney Centre for Language Research, The University of Sydney, Australia; December 14-16, 2019
- A MOOC Camp-Based Flipped Classroom: The Philippine Experience. International Conference on Creative Teaching, Assessment and Research on the English Language 2019 (ICCTAR2019). Hotel Equatorial, Melaka, Malaysia; June 26-28, 2019
- MOOCs & MOOC Camps: Engaging Teacher Professional Development. 2018/27th International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching. Chien Tan Overseas Youth Activity Center, Taipei, Taiwan; November 9-11, 2018
- Confessions of a MOOCer: An Autoethnographic Inquiry on Online Distance Education. TESOL International Convention & English Language Expo. McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois, United States of America; March 27-30, 2018
- A Flipped Learning Approach to Teaching Academic Writing: Student Preferences and Attitudes. International Conference on ESP, New Technologies and Digital Learning. Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong; December 7-9, 2017
- Confessions of a MOOCer: An Autoethnographic Inquiry on Online Distance Education. International Conference on ESP, New Technologies and Digital Learning. Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong; December 7-9, 2017
- Confessions of a MOOCer: An Autoethnographic Inquiry on Online Distance Education. UI Scholar Summit 2017. Universitas Indonesia, Depok City, Indonesia; October 10-11, 2017
- Pecha Kucha Presentations: Building and Boosting ELLs’ Public Speaking Skills. 11th International Symposium on Teaching English at Tertiary Level. Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong; December 9 – 10, 2016
- Let’s Face It! Using Facebook in the ESL Classroom. 2016 Korea TESOL International Conference. Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea; October 15 – 16, 2016
- Blended Learning Approach to Teaching Writing: Using E-mail in the ESL Classroom. 12th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching. Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia; February 20 – 21, 2016
- Contrastive Rhetoric Analysis of Newspaper Commentaries on the 2015 Papal Visit in the Philippines and Sri Lanka. 12th Annual CamTESOL Conference on ELT – CamTESOL-UECA Regional ELT Research Symposium; Cambodia-Korea Corporation Centre , Royal University of Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia; February 19, 2016
- Blended Learning Approach to Teaching Writing: Using E-mail in the ESL Classroom. TESOL Regional Conference on Excellence in English Language Instruction National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; December 3 – 5, 2015
- An Analysis of Weblogs’ Grammatical Errors of Filipino Learners of English as Second Language. 5th Asian Conference of Technology in the Classroom, Art Center Kobe, Kobe, Japan. April 29 – May 3, 2015
Madriaga, Joventina D.

Courses Taught
- College Academic Skills in English
- Introduction to Linguistics
- Introduction to Stylistics
- Language Research
- Teaching English as a Second Language
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Education major in English Language Teaching (Philippine Normal University, 2002)
Academic Interests
- Language and Gender
- Language Teaching
- Pragmatics
- Sociolinguistics
- Destura- Madriaga, J. & Alcoberes, P. N.. (2011). The Nominal, Adjectival, and Adverbial Structures in the Written Compositions of FEU Freshmen. Far Eastern University Faculty Research Journal, 1(1).
- Destura-Madriaga, J. (2011). Motivation and Attitude in Language Learning: The Filipino ESL Learners in Focus. FEU Research Digest, 5(1).
- Destura-Madriaga, J. (2008). Levels of Bilingualism and Metalinguistic Awareness: The Case of Filipino-English Bilinguals. Far Eastern University English Language Journal.
- Destura-Madriaga, J. (2007). Politeness in Teachers’ Directives. FEU Language and Literature Journal.
Magallona, Barbara M.

Courses Taught
- Anglo-American Literature
- Children and Adolescent Literature
- Development and Production of Instructional Materials
- Survey of English and Literatures of the World
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy in English Language and Literature (Ateneo de Manila University, 2019)
- Master of Arts in Basic Education Teaching (Ateneo de Manila University, 2009)
Academic Interests
- Language and Literature
- Literary criticism
- Magallona, B. (2018). The depiction of city and country in Kerima Polotan’s The Hand of the Enemy. The Cordillera Review: Journal of Philippine Culture and Society Vol. VII, No. 1, Cordillera Studies Center – University of the Philippines – Baguio, 91-106.
Conferences Attended
- Literature in Action: A Comparative Study of Jose Marti’s ‘Mother America’ and ‘Our America’ and Jose Rizal’s ‘The Philippines, a Century Hence. Main Speaker, De La Salle University, October 20, 2012
- The Role of Questioning Techniques in Developing Critical Thinking in a Literature Classroom. 8th Free Linguistics Conference, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China, September 25-29, 2014
- The Co-construction of the Negotiation of the Chinoy Identity in Xavier School. 9th Free Linguistics Conference, De La Salle University, September 24-26, 2015
- The depiction of city and country in Kerima Polotan’s The Hand of the Enemy. Language and Literature, Graduate Symposium, Ateneo de Manila University, May 14, 2016
Manansala, Ma. Melanie A.

Courses Taught
- Ang Pagtuturo ng Filipino sa Elementarya
- Art Appreciation
- Retorika
- Wika, Kultura at Lipunan
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy in Bilingual Education (New Era University, 2019)
- Master of Arts in Education major in Filipino (New Era University, 2014)
Academic Interests
- Bilingual Education
- Filipino Language
- Outreach Program
- Translation
Mapalo, Anthony A.

Courses Taught
- College Academic Skills in English
- Purposive Communication
- Technology for teaching and learning
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Education major in General Science (University of the Philippines Diliman, 2015)
Academic Interests
- Assessment
- Educational Leadership
- Science Education
Masangya, Raymart D.

Courses Taught
- Education Technology
- Research in Elementary Education
- Scholarly Inquiry
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Education major in Curriculum and Instruction (Far Eastern University, 2017)
Academic Interests
- Educational Technology
- Gamification
- Instructions
- Tech-Voc
Mendillo Jr., Benjamin M.

Courses Taught
- Legal Issues in Education
- The Teaching Profession
- Trends and Issues in Education
- Philosophy of Values and Ethics
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy in Language Translation (De La Salle University, 2008)
Academic Interests
- Assessment of Textbook and Teachers Manual
- Forensic Linguistics
- General Translation,
- Legal Translation
- Orthography and Literary Criticism
- Philippine Languages
- Scientific Translation
- Special Filipino
- Technical Translation
Nava Fe, Josefa G.

Courses Taught
- Principles of Teaching
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy in Education major in Research and Evaluation (University of the Virginia, 1991)
- Master in Education in Guidance and Counseling (University of the Philippines Diliman, 1983)
Academic Interests
- Assessment and Evaluation in Education
Nery-Cura, Ma. Lourdes S.

Courses Taught
- Curriculum Planning and Development
- Development & Production of Instructional Materials
- Education Innovations
- Perspectives in Education
- Trends and Issues in Curriculum and Instruction
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Education Major in Curriculum and Instruction (University of Santo Tomas, 2017)
- Master of Arts in Education Major in Educational Administration (University of the Philippines, 2008)
Academic Interests
- Rhizomatic teaching
- Nery-Cura, M., & de Guzman, A. (2017). A rhizotextual analysis of Philippine secondary textbooks in history. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 17(3),1-15
- Nery-Cura, M., & de Guzman, A., (2018). A Portrait of Rhizomatic Teaching in Philippine Secondary History Classroom: An Interpretative Study. The Normal Lights Journal on Teacher Education, 12(1), 1-33.
- Nery-Cura, M., & de Guzman, A., (2020).Caeteris paribus: a grounded theory study on the rhizomatic tendencies among a select group of Philippine secondary History textbook writers”. Curriculum Perspectives 40, 15-26 (DOI: 10.1007/s41297-019-00090-4).
Opulencia, Teresita P.

Courses Taught
- College Academic Skills in English
- Scholarly Inquiry
- Speech Communication
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Education major in English (National Teachers College)
Academic Interests
- Grammar
- Language
- Literature
- Reading Comprehension
Orbegoso, Michael R.

Courses Taught
- Curriculum Development
- Educational Technology
- Field Study
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Education major in Curriculum and Instruction (Far Eastern University, 2016)
Academic Interests
- Curriculum and Instruction
Pagala, Renante C.

Courses Taught
- Abstract Algebra
- Assessment in Learning
- Instrumentation and Technology in Mathematics
- Math in the Modern World
- Quantitative Methods of Research with Statistical Analysis,
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy in Science Education major in Mathematics (De La Salle University, 2017)
- Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics (Manuel L. Quezon University Manila, 1996)
Academic Interests
- Mathematics Education
- Reflective Teaching and Learning Practices
Paras, Percival S.

Courses Taught
- Literary Criticism
- Survey of Spanish Literature
- Teaching and Assessment of Literature
- World Literature
Academic Degrees
- Master of Philosophical Research (De La Salle University, 2018)
- Master of Arts in Education with specialization in Literature (Philippine Normal University, 2014)
Academic Interests
- Literature Teaching
- Literary Criticism and Critical Theory
- Multicultural Philosophy and Education
- Poststructuralism
- Paras, Percival S. (2020).“Multicultural Education and the Politics of Recognition in the Philippines: A Critical Review.” Jurnal Kemanusiaan. Malaysia, Vol 18:2: 185-191.
Pascua, Jennifer J.

Courses Taught
- Basic Physical Education
- Community Health
- Measurement and Evaluation in PE and Sports
- Movement Education
- Techniques of Teaching Team Sports
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Education Major in Curriculum and Instruction (Far Eastern University, 2004)
Academic Interests
- Sports Psychology
- Wellness and Recreation
Pedregosa, Jeremy Floyd L.

Courses Taught
- Curriculum and Assessment in Physical and Health Education
- Process of Teaching Physical and Health Education
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Education Major in Curriculum and Instruction (Far Eastern University, 2019)
- Master of Arts in Education major in Curriculum and Instruction (Far Eastern University, 2012)
Academic Interests
- Alternate Route to Teacher Education Program
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Quality Assurance
- Sports Science and Physical Education
Peren, Anelyn Y.

Courses Taught
- College Academic Skills in English
- Interactive English: Listening, Speaking and Grammar
- Introduction to Language Arts
- Speech Communication
- Structure of English
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Education major in College Teaching (Lyceum of Philippines University, 2000)
Academic Interests
- Language Education
Pineda, Annabelle S.

Courses Taught
- Purposive Communication
- Retorika at Panitikan
- Scholarly Inquiry
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Teaching English Language (De La Salle University Manila, 2018)
Academic Interests
- Master of Arts in Teaching English Language (De La Salle University Manila, 2018)
Pulido, Dennis H.

Courses Taught
- College Academic Skills in English
- Advance Communication Skills for Teachers
- Advance Structure of English
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Linguistics (De La Salle University, 2012)
- Master of Arts in Teaching English (De La Salle University, 2006)
Academic Interests
- Applied linguistics
- Discourse analysis
- Deconstruction
- Language Education
- Madrazo, A. & Pulido, D. (2018). Metadiscourse analysis of undergraduate thesis manuscripts. Asian EFL Journal 22(2), 199-225.
- Mante, J., Valdez, P., & Pulido, D. (2018). Effective teaching of the macro-skills: Reflections from Filipino Teachers of English 19(6), 844-854.
- Pulido, D. & Balgos, A. (2013). Using theater techniques in the Philippine classroom. Proceedings of the 3rd International Educational Congress, 25-31
- Pulido, D. (2011). Saving the savior: A deconstruction of the novel ‘Viajero’ by F. Sionil Jose. 3L: The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies 17(1), 79-92.
- Pulido, D. (2011). A systemic functional analysis of Philippine English Editorials. TESOL Journal 4(1), 52-63.
Quinto, Myrna P.

Courses Taught
- Biological Science
- Earth Science
- Ethics of Leadership and Governance of Schools
- Management of School Systems
- Organizational and Supervisory Leadership
- Program Evaluation and Development
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy in Science Education (De La Salle University, 2011)
- Master of Arts in Education major in Biology Education (University of the Philippines, 2004)
Academic Interests
- Science education
- Dumilag, R. V., Aguinaldo, Z. Z. A., Mintu, C. B., Quinto, M. P., Ame, E. C., Andres, R. C., … Fontanilla, I. K. C. (2017). A review of the current taxonomic status of foliose bangiales (Rhodophyta) in the Philippines. Phytotaxa.
- Dumilag, R. V., Aguinaldo, Z. Z. A., Mintu, C. B., Quinto, M. P., Ame, E. C., Andres, R. C., … Yap, S. L. (2016). Morphological and molecular confirmation of the occurrence of pyropia tanegashimensis (bangiales, rhodophyta) from Palaui Is., Sta. Ana, Cagayan, Philippines. Phytotaxa, 255(1), 83–90.
- Florida, J. S., & Quinto, M. P. (2015). Quality Indicators in Higher Education Institutions:Implications To Global Competitiveness. The Online Journal of Quality in Higher Education, 2(4), 53–62. Retrieved from
- Paez-Quinto, M. (2012). What Makes a Science Teacher Excellent. In Biology Education for Social and Sustainable Development (pp. 325–330).
Raguindin, Princess Zarla

Courses Taught
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary level
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy in Education major in Curriculum and Teaching Methodology (Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, China, 2020)
- Master of Arts in Education major in Special Education (University of the Philippines-Diliman, 2013)
Academic Interests
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Inclusive Education
- Parental Involvement
- Raguindin, P.Z., Custodio, Z., Bulusan, F. (2021) Engaging, Nurturing, and Affirming Inclusive Environment. A Grounded Theory Study in the Philippine Context. AIFOR Journal of Education, Inclusive Education, 9 (1)
- Raguindin, P. Z. J., Lising, R. L. S., & Custodio, Z. U. (2021). Strategies for parental involvement during emergency remote teaching scale: Its psychometric properties. European Journal of Educational Research, 10(1), 427-439.
- Raguindin, P. Z. J., Ping, L. Y. (2020). Situating “Children-supporting-Children” in the context of the inclusive agenda. A phenomenological exploration. International Journal of Learning, Teaching, and Educational Research, 19(6), 303-322
- Raguindin, P. Z. J., Ping, L. Y., Duereh, F., & Lising, R. L. S. (2020). Inclusive practices of in-service teachers: A quantitative exploration of a Southeast Asian context. European Journal of Educational Research, 9(2), 787-797.
- Raguindin, P. Z. J. (2020). Integrating concepts and expressions of inclusion in the K – Curriculum: The case of the Philippines. European Journal of Educational Research, 9(1), 305-317.
- Raguindin, P.Z. (2014). Musical activities and science achievement of pupils with visual impairment. Harris Journal of Education, 2, 14-27
Regalia, Marites R.

Courses Taught
- Comparative Philosophy of Education
- School Legislation
- Principles of Teaching
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Education major in Industrial Education Management (Technological University of the Philippines, 2011)
- Master of Arts in Education major in Educational Management (Sacred Heart College, 2005)
Academic Interests
- Leadership and Management
Reyes, Rowena Capulong

Courses Taught
- Advanced Communication Skills for School Managers
- Educational and Community Relations
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy in Development Studies major in Socio, Political and Cultural Development (University of Santo Tomas, 2012)
- Master of Arts in Communication Management major in Corporate Communication (Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication, 2002)
Academic Interests
- Associational Life
- Governance
- Marketing Communications
- Public Spaces
- Public Relations
- Social Media
- Capulong-Reyes, R. (2016). “Meaningless vs Worthwhile Encounters?: Sustaining Social Interactions in Privatized Public Spaces of Manila Shopping Malls.” Sains Humanika. 8.. (4–3): 51–57.
- Capulong-Reyes, R. (2016). Public Space as Contested Space: The Battle over the Use, Meaning and Function of Public Space. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity. 6. . 10.7763/IJSSH.2016.V6.643.
- Capulong-Reyes, R. (2014). Hollowed Out or Brimming Over?: Associational Life in the Privatized Public Spaces of Manila Shopping Malls, Proceedings Book of ICETSR, Handbook on the Emerging Trends in Scientific Research ISBN:978-96909347-16-0
- Capulong-Reyes, R. (2012). Everyday life in everyday public spaces: Multiple outcome possibilities of spatial regulations. International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research. 51.
- Capulong-Reyes, R. (2012). Social Control in Three Manila Shopping Malls. Luz y Saber. .6. no.1, ISSN 1908-9147
- Fuentes, G.G., Labilles, D. & Capulong-Reyes, R. (2016). A Further Look on Independent Films: A Realistic Depiction of Society: The Perception of Indie Films of Selected Intramuros Based Audiences.
- Capulong-Reyes, R., Fuentes, G.G., & Labilles, D. (2015). The Perception of Indie Films of Selected Intramuros Based Audiences. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 5. 145-148. 10.7763/IJSSH.2015.V5.442.
- Agatep, N., Quierrez, Z., & Capulong-Reyes, R. (2015). Facebooking Airspace: A Study on the Effectiveness of Cebu Pacific Facebook Page in Maintaining the Positive Image. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity. 5. 126-129. 10.7763/IJSSH.2015.V5.437.
- Paladin, K. C., Ramos, K. A. J. R., & Capulong-Reyes, R. (2015). “Meron o Wala”: A Study on the Usefulness of Twitter during Typhoon as Perceived by the Students of the Selected Intramuros-Based Schools. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity.
Conferences Attended
- Plenary Speaker—”At the CORE: Disruption, Reconstruction, and Navigation of COVID-19 Crisis Communication” at the 6th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communication (ICCOMAC) organized by the School of Communication at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia in partnership with the Association for Indonesia Ethics Lectures held last October 27, 2021.
- Round Table Panelist— “Plugged in Conversations: Participatory Digital Narratives in a Pandemic” at an RTD entitled, Participation and Digital Culture: An Analysis of Impacts and Contributions to Societies at the International Congress on Technology and Knowledge Management in Brazil held last June 1, 2021.
- Parallel Speaker – “Flex Ko Lang: Metro Mayors Engagement with their Constituents and the Generation Z Using Twitter” at the ASPIKOM- International Communication Association- Regional (Southeast Asia) Conference with the theme “Searching for the Next Level of Human Communication: Human, Social, and Neuro (Society 5.0)” in Nusa Dua, Bali, held last October 18-19, 2019.
Reynoso, Rheena M.

Courses Taught
- Applied Ethics
- Understanding the Self
- Pag-aaral ng Wika
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Education Major in English Language Teaching (Far Eastern University, 2020) *IP-thesis revision
Academic Interests
- Adult ESL
- Nonnative English Speaker Teachers
Rosario, Mark Anthony B.

Courses Taught
- Technology for Teaching and Learning in PE and Health
- Teaching Physical Education and Health in the Elementary Grades
Academic Degrees
- Master in Physical Education (Far Eastern University, 2019)
Academic Interests
- Dance Education
- Physical Education
- Sports Leadership and Management
- Sports Psychology
Samarita, Cristy B.

Courses Taught
- Business Math
- College Algebra and Statistics
- Differential & Integral Calculus
- Math in the Modern World
- Solid & Plane Trigonometry
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics (Manuel L. Quezon University, 2002)
Academic Interests
- Curriculum and Instruction; Mathematics Education
Samson, Leylani H.

Courses Taught
- Comprehensive School Health Education
- Foundation of Physical Education
- Individual, dual, group sports
- School Culture and Organizational Leadership
- Sports management
- The Teacher and the Community
Academic Degrees
- Master in Physical Education (Far Eastern University, 2015)
- Master of Arts in Education major in Curriculum and Instruction (Far Eastern University, 2004)
Academic Interests
- Leadership and Management
- Physical Education
San Diego, Cynthia P.

Courses Taught
- Advance Algebra
- Mathematics in the Modern World
- Number Theory
- Solid Geometry
- Trigonometry
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics (Far Eastern University, 2003)
Awards and Honors
- Mathematics education
- San Diego, C. P., Bengo, M. D., Herrera, R. R. & Santos, R. S.. (2011). Characteristics of a Typical “Tamaraw” as Identified by FEU Students: A Qualitative Study. Far Eastern University Faculty Research Journal, 1(1). Retrieved from
Sangel, Marites B.

Courses Taught
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Botany
- Genetics
- Microbiology
- Speech Communication
- Parasitology
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Teaching Biological Sciences (Far Eastern University, 2004)
Academic Interests
- Parasitology
- Science Education
Awards and Honors
- Faculty Day – Service Award (35 years) (Far Eastern University, 2019)
- Ten Outstanding Faculty of the Year (Far Eastern University, 2016)
- Tamaraw Teacher Award (Far Eastern University, 2015)
- Ten Outstanding Faculty of the Year (Far Eastern University, 2012)
Santos, Marc Lancer J.

Courses Taught
- Science Technology and Society
- Inorganic and organic chemistry
Academic Degrees
- Master of Science in Teaching major in Chemistry (De La Salle University, 2019)
Academic Interests
- Technology integration in Chemistry Teaching
Sioson, Yolanda J.

Courses Taught
- Administration, Management and Supervision in Physical education and Sports
- Comprehensive School Health Education
- Measurement and Evaluation in Sports
- Methods and Strategies in Teaching MAPEH
- Philosophical and Socio-anthropological Foundations of Physical Education and Sports
- Techniques in Coaching and Officiating Sports
Academic Degrees
- Master in Physical Education (Far Eastern University, 2015)
- Master of Arts in Education Major in Curriculum and Instruction (Far Eastern University, 2004)
Academic Interests
- Education: Curriculum and Instruction
- Physical Education
Suatengco, Rosarito T.

Courses Taught
- Advanced Pedagogical Grammar
- Critical thinking
- Language education
- Literacy, Language and Literature Assessment and Evaluation
- Literatures of the World
- Management of Language and Literature Programs
- Qualitative Methods of Research
- Service Learning in English Language Education
- Trends in Language Education
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Linguistics (De La Salle University, 2013)
- Master of Arts in Teaching English Language Arts (De La Salle University, 2005)
Academic Interests
- Critical Thinking,
- Language Acquisition
- Language Education
- Language Testing and Assessment
- Multilingual Education
- Suatengco, R., & Joaquin, H. (2019). Eco-translation of Local Knowledge in Developing a Trilingual Glossary of Fishing and Aquaculture. The Philippine Journal of Fisheries.
- Tabbada-Rungduin, T., Abulon, E. L. R., Fetalvero, L. R., & Suatengco, R. T. (2014). Exploring parental involvement and teachers’ activities in early literacy development. International Journal of Research Studies in Education.
- Tatel-Suatengco, R., & Florida, J. S. (2018). Family literacy in a low-income urban community in the Philippines. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy.
Tan, Ma. Floran D.

Courses Taught
- Current Trends in Education
- Facilitating Learning
- Social Dimensions of Education
- Teaching Profession
- Principles of Teaching
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Education major in Educational Administration (University of the Philippines, 2009)
Academic Interests
- Educational Administration
- Educational History and Philosophy
- Sociology and Anthropology
Villalba, Mabel Lyn C.

Courses Taught
- College Academic Skills in English
- Speech Communication
- Speech and Theater Arts
- Structures of English
- Purposive Communication
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Education major in English Language Teaching (Far Eastern University, 2018)
Academic Interests
- Language and Literature
Villegas, Vida Luz V.

Courses Taught
- College Academic Skills in English
- Developmental Reading 1
- Purposive Communication
- Scholarly Inquiry
- Teaching English in the Elementary Grades
- Teaching Literacy in the Elementary Grades through Literature
- Wika, Kultura, at Lipunan
Academic Degrees
- Master of Arts in Education (Teaching Early Grades K-2) (University of the Philippines Diliman, 2013)
Academic Interests
- Early Childhood Development
- Villegas, V. (2019). Learn and Lead in English, Kindergarten 1. Diwa Learning Systems, Inc.
Wong-Fernandez, Barbara

Courses Taught
- Advanced Policy Analysis in Education
- Management of School Systems
- Psycho-Philosophical Foundations of Education
- Qualitative Methods of Research
- School Legislation
Academic Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy in Philippine Studies (University of the Philippines Diliman, 1996)
- Master of Education in Guidance (University of the Philippines Diliman, 1975)
Academic Interests
- Counseling Psychology
- Curriculum Development
- Philippine Studies
- Bernardo, A.B.I., Wong-Fernandez, B., Enteria, C.M., Macalaguing, M.D., & Magat, H.G. (in press). Perceived demand experienced by new senior high school teachers in the Philippines: A mixed methods study on micro level novel obligations of a national education reform. Journal of Research in Education Sciences.
- Wong-Fernandez, B. 1949-1958 Jose Rizal College: The phoenix rising. Chapter contribution to “A Century of Excellence, Innovation and Success” of the JRU BEL Journal Centennial Edition, Vol. 23 No. 4, 2018-2019.