Visit the Far Eastern University Privacy Policies page HERE
Welcome and thank you for choosing Far Eastern University (FEU). FEU looks after the welfare and development of one of its most important resources its human resources, through the Far Eastern University Human Resource Division (FEUHRD). This Privacy Notice intends to inform you about our policy on the collection, processing, storing, updating, disposing or sharing your personal data in relation to your employment and engagement with FEU. For more information on FEU, you may visit
Our Privacy Commitment
FEUHRD respects and values your rights as a Data Subject under Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA). Weare committed to protecting personal information that is collected, processed, stored, updated, disposed, or shared in accordance with the requirements the DPA, its Implementing Rules and Regulations, and the circulars and advisories of the National Privacy Commission.
For this purpose, FEUHRD implements reasonable and appropriate organizational, physical, and technical security measures to maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of such personal information.
Our services
FEUHRD uses and processes submitted personal data of qualified and hired individuals in relations to its mandate and functions. The following are the services we render and deem necessary:
- Employee/faculty training and development.
- Performance appraisal management and this includes rewards and promotion.
- Educational benefits to its employees and faculty.
- Wellness and recreation program.
- Other employee related engagement or activities.
Personal Data Collected
FEUHRD collects personal data necessary and mandatory to perform its functions. The personal data that we collect may include written records, photographic and video images, and digital material, such as:
- Name, birthdate, place of birth, gender, marital status, nationality, maiden name, wedding date.
- Family details such as name of family members, birthdate, gender, address, contact details and occupation.
- Contact information such as address, email, mobile and telephone numbers.
- Emergency contacts such name, relationship, address, home telephone number, mobile number, name, and contact details of physician.
- Language proficiency such language name and proficiency level.
- Banks details for salary purposes such as bank name, bank address, account number, bank contact details and account type.
- Past employment details such as company name, contact address and numbers, period of employment, position title, reason for leaving, copy of certificate of employment, personnel clearance.
- Background information verification.
- Education details or academic information such as type of school attended, name of school, course, year graduated, degree, address of school, dates, copy of diploma, transcript of records, scholarships and honors/awards received.
- Employment information such as government-issued numbers, position and functions.
- Medical information such as physical, and psychological information.
- Publications/research/ creative outputs.
- Trainings and seminars attended.
- Photos, resume, professional license card.
- Community and outreach program
- Birth certificate, marriage certificate, medical results, annual physical examination results,
- Performance appraisal and teaching performance evaluation results.
- Biometric records.
Collection Method
FEUHRD collects, personal data through printed forms, attachments, and other documents required by the University, or through electronic forms, via email, or inputting of information directly by the data subject or by the concerned faculty and employee through online platforms such as the FEU Human Resource Information System (FEU-HRIS)
Purpose of Collected Personal Data
FEUHRD collects, your personal data to perform our legitimate interests, mandate, and functions as higher educational institution, employer, and/or contracting party. We use the personal data that we collect for purposes related to:
- Human Resources Related Processes:
- Records management
- Benefit, awards, and recognition administration
- Performance management and disciplinary issues
- Delivery of facilities, services, and security
- Effective communications with employees/faculty through printed and online newsletter, infographics, and circulars
- For employees/faculty training, health, safety, welfare and religious event.
- To contact others in the event of an emergency.
- Other similar or related tasks
- Statutory and salary requirements:
- Statutory application
- Updating of bank details
- Administration of remuneration, loans, and payroll
- Facilitation of remittances and claims for statutory benefits.
- Compilation of statistics and conducting surveys and research for internal and statutory reporting purpose.
- The performance of its obligation, exercise of its rights, and conduct of its functions and associated functions as an instrumentality of the government and as higher education institution.
- The pursuance of its mandates under existing law and regulations.
- Compliance with legal, regulatory, administrative, or judicial requirements including audit, reporting, and transparency requirements.
- Other purposes necessary for processes relating to the personal and professional employment.
Period of Collection
FEUHRD collects personal data at the onset of the relationship upon application or before the commencement of the engagement, during your course of stay in the University and after your separation as deemed necessary.
Security, Storage, and Location of Personal and Collected Data
Personal information collected via the internet or other electronic methods are stored in a secure IT infrastructure in possession or control of FEU or in cloud controlled by FEU, while physical records of personal information are stored in folders or envelopes in locked in filing cabinets. Only authorized FEUHRD or FEU personnel are granted access to personal information collected by FEUHRD.
Third Parties
FEUHRD may share your personal information with third parties necessary for the abovementioned purposes. Such third parties may include FEU Group of Schools,affiliates as well as business partners, service providers and contractors or subcontractors.
FEUHRD may share your personal information with third parties or organizations necessary for accreditation and university ranking purposes such as PACU-COA, PAASCU, AUN-QA, The ICE (ITHM), WURI International, AACSB – International (IABF)
FEUHRD may disclose or report your personal information to the National Privacy Commission and other government bodies or agencies such as Commission on Higher Education, Department of Education, Bureau of Immigration, Department of Foreign Affairs, Civil Service Commission, Bureau of Internal Revenue, Professional Regulation Commission, Department of Labor and Employment, Department of Health and its accrediting hospitals as deemed necessary.
FEUHRD may share your personal information with third parties to facilitate the application of benefits such as Medicard, St. Peter Life Plan, Mercury Drug and HP Precisions Diagnostics, Tams Eye, Ideal Vision and FPG Insurance.
FEUHRD may disclose or share collected personal data when required to do so by law or if such legal disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with legal processes or respond to any claims.
Any personal information shared with such third parties shall also be covered by the appropriate agreement to ensure that all personal information is adequately safeguarded and in accordance with the requirements of Data Privacy Act of 2012.
Retention and Disposal of Records
FEUHRD retains the personal information it collects only for the period allowed under applicable laws and regulations. FEUHRD shall immediately destroy or dispose, in a secure manner, any personal information the retention of which is not allowed under the said applicable laws and regulations.
FEUHRD generally subscribes to the following below:
- Employees data and employment records are kept in the locked in cabinets located at HRD records room.
- Employment records shall be kept permanently for reference purposes while other data of employees are disposed in a secure manner after 10 years from date of retirement.
- The disposal or permanent deletion of records are done through shredding or any other means to ensure that it will be impossible to reconstruct or retrieved the information contained therein.
FEUHRD ensures that no data contained in the records will be exposed or subject to unauthorized access or use when the same are disposed.
Responsibility and Rights of Data Subjects
As a data subject, you have the following rights under the Data Privacy Act:
- The right to be informed whether personal information pertaining to him or her shall be, are being or have been processed.
- The right to be furnished with the information before the entry of his or her personal information into the processing system of the personal information controller.
- The right to reasonable access to the data subject’s information upon demand.
- The right to dispute the inaccuracy or error in the personal information and have the personal information controller correct it immediately and accordingly unless the request is vexatious or otherwise unreasonable.
- The right to suspend, withdraw or order the blocking, removal, or destruction of his or her personal information from the personal information controller’s filing system upon discovery and substantial proof that the personal information is incomplete, outdated, false, unlawfully obtained, used for unauthorized purposes or are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.
- The right to be indemnified for any damages sustained due to such inaccurate, incomplete, outdated, false, unlawfully obtained, or unauthorized use of personal information.
- The right to data portability thru the ability to obtain from the personal information controller a copy of data undergoing processing in an electronic or structured format, which is commonly used and allows for further use by the data subject.
- The right to lodge a complaint before the National Privacy Commission.
Should you wish to obtain a hardcopy or printout of such personal information, all costs related thereto shall be for your own account.
For inquiries regarding the processing of personal information stated in this Privacy Notice, as well as any concerns or complaints regarding data privacy, or the exercise of your rights as a Data Subject under the DPA, you may contact the Data Protection Officer provided that any complaint should be in writing, clearly state the material facts, specify your contact information, include supporting evidence and be submitted to the following office address or email address:
The Data Protection Officer
Far Eastern University
Nicanor Reyes St. Sampaloc, Manila
Tel: +632 7777-FEU (338) loc 208
Changes to the Privacy Policy
FEUHRD may change this Privacy Policy from time to time by posting the updated version of the Privacy Notice through FEU Email and when permissible, other means of communication. Any modification is effective immediately upon posting on the website. You are encouraged to visit this site frequently to stay informed about how FEUHRD uses your personal information.
Prepared By: | Reviewed By: | Approved By |
Rommel N. Anicete HR Associate | Rogelyn F. Solano HR Section Head | Marilou S. Malabanan HR Services Manager |