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AJPE: Volume 3 Issue 1
Welcome to the third issue of the Asian Journal of Perspectives in Education. The latest release presents articles investigating syntactic analysis and teaching strategies in language and literature learning. It also tackles the scaffolding practices for students and a deep dive into the repurposing of LMS for Critical Thinking and Student-Centered learning. Lastly, a look into the policies that affect the education quality in the Philippines. AJPE provides readers with a platform to articulate their curiosity in learning.
About the Journal

- The Asian Journal on Perspectives in Education is an open access, multidisciplinary, and double-blind peer-reviewed international journal. It tackles educational issues, the reflection of practices, and the narratives on knowledge production. The AJPE also provides an interpretative discussion of the epistemologies of the “south” that reflect academic undertakings, exploration of educational theories, and societal issues affecting education.
- AJPE is a flagship project of the FEU Institute of Education. It accepts academic articles in the form of educational policy analysis, evaluation, reflexivity, research, commentary, and review. Further, AJPE accepts submissions on disciplinal education, trends, and issues in teaching and learning, curriculum studies, cultural studies, and education philosophy. The AJPE is released annually, every 4th quarter of the year and the call for submissions opens every January.

The Asian Journal on Perspectives in Education (AJPE) presents the Conference Proceedings and Book of Abstract for the 1st International Conference on Multi-Perspectives in Education (ICOME 2020), virtually held on November 25-27, 2020.
The Special Release is a snapshot of the fifty-five presenters’ research relevant to the theme, Fronting Perspectives in Education: Education’s Response to the Pandemic.
ICOME 2020 brought together academic minds to have a profound understanding of education in the context of a global pandemic.
Author’s Guide
General Requirements
- Create an author’s profile in the online AJPE registration link. This gives AJPE permission to email authors of AJPE’s events and announcements.
- Register the manuscript in the online submission link. All submitted manuscripts will be given a manuscript ID and a tracking code.
Open Access Policy
- AJPE is a repository of academic articles and it does not have ownership of any published article.
- Authors of published articles in AJPE have the sole ownership of their respective work. They can use, distribute, and display their work in a digital and non-digital medium for any responsible purpose.
- The articles are public and can be read, downloaded, copied, distributed, printed, searched, or linked to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking permission from the publisher or the author.
- The authors retain the rights to their articles including posting revised versions of the articles in their respective websites.
Intellectual and Copyright Policy
As an open access journal, AJPE allows the author to retain the intellectual and copyright policy of the manuscript. Also, the author has the power to use the final published version in any way possible. Under the Creative Commons License (CC-BY), articles that are published under AJPE are made available online and allow other researchers to access, copy, redistribute the material given that the author are properly cited.
Ethics Review Guidelines
- The authors attest to the authenticity and accuracy of their data and follow ethical review standards set by their respective institutions or affiliations before undertaking their research.
- The authors secure informed consent and approval from their subjects, participants, and respondents, and conceal their identity.
- The authors should not submit their manuscripts in other journals or publications.
- The authors acknowledge all sources.
- The authors disclose any conflict of interest arising from their research.
- The authors provide the source external funding for their research.
Academic Papers Submission
Research Article
A research article gives information about the methods and results of a study in the form of an experiment, interview, or survey. It defines an issue or problem supported by a point-of-view, a perspective, or an argument. It has a review of current or recent studies, emerging methods, and counterintuitive ideas supported by learning concepts and theories. It follows a meticulous and ethical process of data gathering, and the data are analyzed, critiqued, and evaluated. Each research article has 4,000 to 7000 words while its abstract consists of 200 to 250 words that include an introduction, methodology, results, and conclusion.
Reflexivity Paper
The reflexivity paper is a concise, critical, and reflective academic paper. It highlights the author’s teaching and learning practices that are valuable resources in education. This paper presents a personal or collective narrative to highlight an issue or a context. The data in a reflexivity paper passed a rigorous vetting of an ethics committee. A reflexivity paper contains 3000-4000 words, including abstract and references.
Education Policy Analysis and Evaluation Paper
The educational policy analysis discusses national and international educational policies that reflect the purpose of education, use of methodologies and assessment, learning environments, content knowledge, mode of instruction, and political and economic considerations. It consists of 3000-4000 words including abstract and references.
An evaluation article assesses educational policies, frameworks, practices, and programs that significantly impact the educational system in the Philippines and abroad; it also analyzes historical or contemporary education policies. The article discusses the implications for education, national growth, and development. It consists of 3000-4000 words including abstract and references.
Academic Commentaries and Book Review
An academic commentary presents an expert’s unique perspective of educational history, policies, events, and frameworks to provide a meaningful understanding of educational contexts in the Philippines and the global south. A book review gives a descriptive and critical uptake of information, knowledge, ideas, and arguments of a book. An academic commentary has 2,000 to 4,000 words, and a book review has 2,000 to 3,000 words.
Submission Guide
General Guidelines
The writing style of the manuscript should be coherent, clear, concise, concrete, and accurate. Specifically, the following should be considered:
- Wordiness – This pertains to the length of a narrative. The author carefully decides between using longer or shorter sentences.
- Syntax – This pertains to the structure of sentences which include the word order, the styles of typical sentences, the use of pauses, and the emphasis given to a sentence.
- Word choice – This is an intelligent and thoughtful decision in choosing complex words versus simpler ones, and more. The words that an author uses reflect his/her point-of-view.
- Tone – This is about the author’s attitude towards a subject or an issue that reflects his/her agreement or disagreement towards it.
Manuscripts are expected to have gone through a proof-reading process before the submission to the journal.
Manuscript Format
General Format
- Manuscripts should be in the Microsoft Word format.
- All margins should be 1” throughout the paper
- The number of words will depend on the type of submission. Please check the categories of articles.
- The page number should be at the top-right corner of each paper.
Title Page
- The title of the article (do not use abbreviations)
- The full name of each author (First name, Surname)
- Names of departments and affiliation of authors
- Email of the author for correspondence
- Manuscripts should include an abstract of 200 to 250 words, and at most, five (5) keywords
- Research Purpose
- Framework
- Methodology
- Major findings
- Conclusion or implications
The abstract should explain the following:
- What is the nature of your study?
- What is the value of this study?
- What are the findings?
- The author/s must include the full name, email address, and affiliation the author/s are currently connected.
- If there are two or more authors, only the corresponding author will communicate with AJPE. All reviews and feedbacks will be coursed through the designated corresponding author.
The Text
- The text should follow the 12-point font size; Times New Roman font style and should be double-spaced.
- Single spaced for abstract, keywords, acknowledgements, notes, tables, references, and appendices
- The construction of the text should be in single column.
- The acknowledgements are placed after the article and before the reference section.
- The translations and transcriptions are to be included in the Appendix section. If it is necessary to include translations inside the text, please use brackets to translate.
- Al-qissah fi al-adab Al-Arabi al-hadith [The novel in modern Arabic literature]
- The journal follows the footnote rule from the APA 7thedition journal. Please see the link for reference.
- AJPE follows the APA 6thedition manual rules of In-text citation,
- When abbreviating, use the full term the first time you use it, followed by the abbreviated term. (e.g. Far Eastern University (FEU)). For complete reference, the journal follows the APA 6thedition abbreviation rule.
- AJPE allows the utilization of varying points of view (i.e. first, second, third) in manuscripts. In particular, the usage of the first person “I” is helpful if the writer/s would want to situate their position as a writer to their study. The writers should be aware of the different conventions of these points of views to maximize their usage effectively.
Statistical Methods
- Detailed description of the statistical method used in the study including the pilot test, and validity and reliability tests for the instruments
- Statistical computations to be placed in the appendix
- Literature support for the statistical method used in the article
Multimedia and supporting information
Figures and Tables
- Tables must be concise and arranged consecutively using Arabic numerals in the Text. (Ex. Table 1, Table 2.)
- Photographs, drawings, diagrams, and charts should be clear, easily legible, and cited consecutively using Arabic numerals in the text (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.). Cite the source where the photographs, drawings, diagrams, and charts are taken from the reference section. The journal assumes that the images and drawings fall within an exception to the general copyright statute, which is public domain, fair use, or open access. If the items used do not fall under those domains, the author will have to request permission from the copyright holder for use of the image. Further, the authors should attach documents that would certify the approval from the original owner.
- Black and white images (photographs, line drawings, graphs, etc.) should be saved and supplied as TIFF or JPEG files with a minimum resolution of 600 dpi.
- Color images should be saved and supplied as TIFF or JPEG files with a minimum resolution of 350 dpi.
Audio/video files
- Audio files, if any, should be submitted in MP3, Windows Media Audio (.wma), and Advanced Audio Coding (.aac) formats.
- Video clips may be used to present information on dynamic teaching and learning processes. For videos, MPEG, Quicktime, and Audio Video Interleave (.avi) formats are acceptable.
- Each audio/video file should not exceed 5MB. Overall, they should not exceed 10MB for the manuscript.
- File names such as aud1.wma, aud2.wma, vid1.avi, etc. may be used to facilitate easy editorial processing.
- The video files are to be prepared in a manner that keeps size of the files as small as possible. Some parameters are suggested:
- Frame size: 480 X 360 pixels
- Frame speed: 15 per second or more
- Maximum data rate 150 kB/s
- Time: 5 minutes or less per video file
- The authors should provide a thumbnail (i.e. a relevant frame still from the actual video clip that they feel is representative of the content of the video) which will be used as an image that AJPE readers can click on to start playback of the video. The still image should have the same pixel dimensions as the source video file
- The journal assumes that the videos, audio clips fall within an exception to the general copyright statute, which is public domain, fair use, or open access. If the items used do not fall under those domains, the author will have to request permission from the copyright holder for use of the items. Further, the authors should attach documents that would certify the approval from the original owner.
- Manuscripts should follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition) style guide.
Review Process
AJPE observes a multi-layered review process.
- For the first layer of review, the managing editor handles the initial evaluation of an article to determine if it adheres to the direction, scope, and format of AJPE. The managing editor checks if the data are authentic and ethically sourced. The managing editor recommends a further review if questions on the authenticity of data and the ethicality of the study arise.
- For the second layer of review, the associate editors evaluate an article’s merits and contributions in articulating the global south perspective in education. They may endorse an article for a blind review or for rejection.
- For the third and final layer, an article undergoes a blind and peer review from education experts in the Philippines and abroad. The authors will receive the experts’ comments and suggested revisions. Only those articles that pass the third layer of the review will be published.
Review Guidelines for Associate Editors and Peer Reviewers
Research Article:
- The research article’s presentation is logical.
- The problem statement and assumptions are clearly stated and anchored on a research gap.
- The explanation for the problem statement and assumptions indicate the research gap in a context.
- The research gap is consistent with the problem statement.
- A theory, a principle, or an idea unify arguments in the research.
- The theoretical and research literature informs the research direction. Its discussion connects with the research gap, assumptions, objectives of the study, and the statement of the problem.
- The theoretical literature covers articles, commentaries, speeches, among others of disciplinal authorities. These landmark papers present perspectives needed in the study.
- The research methodology effectively responds to the research questions
Reflexivity paper:
- The paper shows the consciousness and responsibilities of the researcher in undertaking the study.
- The researcher uses a journal, log entry, or a diary as anchor for the reflexivity paper.
- The researcher explores and presents a full account of the research processes by giving details on how each process.
- There is an explicit presentation and discussion of the relationship between the researcher and the participants as shown in the researcher.
- The researcher identifies the filters, e.g. community norms and expectations, in a research that has influenced the research process, presentation, and discussion.
- The researcher’s position in the research is expressed through a dialogue between one’s perspective and assumptions and that of the society and the world.
Education Policy article
- The article gives a critical take on improving basic and higher education in an Asian context.
- The article offers perspectives on current debates and controversies created by educational policies in the Philippines and on other Southeast Asian countries.
- The article promotes dialogue among educational stakeholders to bridge educational theories, practices, and administrative concerns that are affecting the quality and track of education in Southeast Asia.
- The article poses a challenge to policies that are transplanted from western ideologies.
- The article suggests future scenarios on the probable consequences of policy decisions and presents alternative insights, ideas, strategies, and analysis of past, current, and future local, national, and international educational policies.
- The article suggests or provides improvements in the educational system through sound and practical policies that reflect the core of Southeast Asian culture, worldview, and aspirations.
Academic Commentaries and Reviews
- The academic commentary gives a scholarly take on current or pressing local and international educational issues that can significantly impact the direction of education.
- The manuscript applies a theoretical and methodological perspectives that sheds light on the issues that is being addressed.
- The article provides discussions on the applicability of the theme of the paper on different cultures and setting.
- The article provides a descriptive and a critical review of the theme of the paper.
- The review explains how the theme of the paper was constructed; how the judgement of the author as the basis for how the review was analyzed.
- The claims of review are carefully presented; the evidence used on the review matches what it is in the literature.
Editorial Board
Editor in Chief
Dr. Rosarito T. Suatengco is a Senior Research Fellow of Far Eastern University Institute of Education. Rose has a PhD in Applied Linguistics from De La Salle University and has published in the areas of Literacy Education, Indigenous Peoples Education, Linguistics, and Teacher Education.
Executive Editor
Dr. Harold John D. Culala is an Associate Professor and Dean of Far Eastern University, Institute of Education. Harold has a PhD in Curriculum Studies from Taylor’s University and have published in the areas of curriculum and sustainability in education
Managing Editor
John Angelo V. De Leon is a lecturer from Far Eastern University, Institute of Education. Angelo has an MA in English from University of Santo Tomas and have published in the areas of sustainability education, reading strategies, and curriculum.
Associate Editors
- Dr. Cheene Dino-Aparicio (Applied Linguistics) – Far Eastern University
- Dr. Renante Pagala (Mathematics Education) – Far Eastern University
- Dr. Ma. Lourdes Nery-Cura (Curriculum and Instruction) – Everest Academy of Manila
International advisory panel
- Associate Professor Dr. Paolo Mura (Social and Cultural Anthropology) – Zayed University, UAE
- Dr. Benjamin Chang (Cultural Studies, Teaching and Learning) – University of North Carolina Greensboro, USA
- Dr. Alka Mudgal (Teacher Education) – Amity University, India
- Associate Professor Dr. John Blanco (Cultural Studies) – University of California San Diego, USA
- Professor Dr. Banchong Mahaisavariya (Problem-based Learning) -Mahidol University, Thailand
- Professor Dr. Zenaida Reyes (Social Science in Education) – Philippine Normal University, Philippines
- Professor Dr. Vikneswaran Nair (Sustainable Tourism; Mixed Method Research) – University of the Bahamas, Bahamas
- Dr. Nachamma Sockalingam (Problem-based Learning; Technology-enabled Learning) – Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
- Dr. Lim Chong Hin (Curriculum Studies; Mathematics Education; Assessment for Learning; Teacher Education) – Taylor’s University, Malaysia
- Dr. Neesa Ameera Mohammed Salim (Community-based research, Arts and Design, Quantitative Methodology) – Universiti Teknologi Mara, Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia
Abstracting and Indexing
AJPE’s Indexing partners:
- Google Scholar (on process)
- Scopus (on process)
- Andrew Gonzales Philippine Citation Index
- ISSN (National Library of the Philippines)
- Manuscripts should be submitted to the AJPE official email A notice will be sent to the author upon receiving the article.
- The author will be notified if the manuscript requires a review or revisions.
- All correspondence will be done through AJPE’s official email address: