Sikhay is a multidisciplinary, online journal for the Graduate students of Far Eastern University (FEU). The word, “Sikhay“, is a Filipino word for enthusiastic hard work, perseverance, diligence. It represents the FEU virtues of Fortitude, Excellence, and Uprightness. The journal’s title supports the FEU promotion of graduate students who study and work hard, and who live lives of integrity.
Sikhay recognizes that research and writing are a process and the editorial team of Sikhay promise to partner with our graduates in the editing and production of their papers. To this end, Sikhay conducts writers’ workshops where potential writers can improve their article drafts prior to submission. The annual Sikhay conference is a forum to acknowledge published writers and to encourage future research and submissions. Sikhay is FEU’s recognition and applause for our graduate students.
Dr. Nafiseh Zarei
Dr. Mary Catherine Thomas
Managing Editor
Sikhay is part of FEU’s goal to publicly promote research that contributes to our understanding of our world and our place in it. The articles in Sikhay will not just report research findings, but will provoke deeper, more critical thought. Thus, Sikhay does not accept lesson plans or reviews for publication. In addition, Action Studies, Intervention Studies, or Impact Studies will not be accepted for publication. Most definitely, no full thesis will be accepted.
- All manuscripts should be written with proper citations and References using the American Psychological Association style (APA 7). (The following websites are recommended: or APA Style
- The manuscript should be in MS Word format without any identifying information such as author(s) name and course or institutional affiliations. This information should be included in a separate Word document.
- Articles must have a minimum of 5,000 words and must not exceed 10,000 words (word count does not include abstract, tables, figures, references, foot/endnotes, acknowledgements, and author bio). All citations, references, and formatting of tables, and figures must conform to the standards of APA 7.
- In addition, articles should be accompanied by an abstract of 150 – 250 words. The abstract should be accompanied by 5 keywords.
- Articles and reviews may be submitted either in English or Filipino. Abstracts for contributions written in Filipino must also have an English abstract.
Authors should also submit a separate title page with the manuscript title and author bio. The author bio includes the author’s course, latest educational attainment, a short description of current work or affiliation and an email address other than the FEU student email. Below are some examples:
JUAN DELA CRUZ is a masters’ student in Education, majoring in Special Education. He is a DepEd scholar and teaches at FEU High School. He is currently a member of the FEU Graduate Student Council. Contact the corresponding author:
JUAN DELA CRUZ obtained his degree in Social Sciences from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (cum laude) in 2009 and is now in the FEU studying Education, majoring in Special Education. He is a teacher in FEU High School. Email corresponding author:
- All articles must be accompanied by a report from Turn-It-In.
- Submissions may be submitted through email to the Editor-in-Chief at: or and
Authors submitting manuscripts should not simultaneously submit them to another publication. Manuscripts should not have been published elsewhere in substantially similar form or with substantially similar content.
Structure of article
The format of articles will vary since Sikhay is a multidisciplinary journal. Thus, articles under the Institute of Education will differ in format from articles in Biology or Communications. The following basics should be observed:
- Title
- Author/s
- Degree course
- Corresponding author (if the article is co-authored, name one author to receive all communications for the group)
- Key words (List five (5) key words that best describe the article’s content)
- Abstract (a brief summary of the article: 200 – 250 words)
- Structure of article (IMRAD format, or alternative according to discipline)
- References (APA 7)
Please ensure your manuscript has undergone institutional ethical approval and is free from any plagiarism. State clearly if any AI has been used to edit grammar or assist in writing.

- Research-based learning in various pedagogies for grade 12 students in the new normal
John Salvador R. Buque
———————————– - Nag-usap, Kinileg, Nabasa- Humor Analysis on Gay Representation in Sari-Sari Story Online Comics
Kyle Patrick De Guzman
———————————– - Teachers’ Decision-Making in Grading Students at Risk of Academic Failure during the Implementation of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan
Bernard M. Paderes
Clariza Ramos
———————————– - Examining the Lived Experiences of Guidance Counselors
Kathrine Ann Tan
Chrizelle Villanueva
Xuan Ang Zhu Bryan
Jayson Esguerra Rose
Anne Agbayani
Mikkael Gemo Torralba
———————————– - Compassion Fatigue among Frontliners
Randy Kenjie Podador
Angelica Amorato
Ryan Patrick Quirante
James Bryan Degollado
Role perception and other factors influencing clinical decision-making in medical-surgical nurses
Chenyu Zhang
Attitudes of Millennials and Baby Boomers toward same-sex public displays of Affection
Gerard Valmadrid
Faith Catherine T. Cayongcong
Sheryl B. Veruasa
Nica Laine D. Laurena
Mary Elaine F. Buan
Hannah Choco P. Maralit
Mittymer B. Maddela
Experiences of compassion fatigue among mental health practitioners
Honielette Francesca Repollo
Faith Catherine Cayongcong
Jessa Alliah Ching
Nica Laine Laurena
Christiane Lloyd Padaca
Sheryl Varuasa
Promoting maternal health literacy through family-centered care
Shengnan Fan
Effect of WeChat home-based postpartum exercise program in alleviating postpartum blues
Xiaojing Miao
- Exploring the Lived Experience of Gen Zs with Mild Depressive Tendencies through a Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Model (Rose Anne B. Agbayani)
- Exploring the Telecounseling Experiences of Mental Health Professionals (Bryan Jayson Esguerra)
- Vocabulary Building of Select Grade 7 Students in one of the Schools in the Division of Taguig City and Pateros (Val Joseph I. Viñalon)
- Effect of Gamified Health Education on Medication Compliance of Chinese School-Age Children with Asthma (Hui Zhao)