Recognizing the changing and dynamic landscape of communication, the important role played by media companies, and the considerable influence exerted by new media technologies, there is a need to develop future leaders and managers specializing in communication that is largely considerate of local and global conditions to which communication-based companies and institutions largely operate.
The MA in Communication (MAC) program of Far Eastern University positions itself as the counterpart of an MBA. If an MBA program centers on the study of the cost-effective management of an organization’s business strategy, the MAC program focuses on the graduate students’ training in people-centered management of communication as a pivotal tool of and process in any organization. The FEU-MAC program emphasizes one of the journeys towards organizational success which is the strategic use of empathetic and ethical communication anchored on FEU’s core values: Fortitude, Excellence, and Uprightness. Through a people-centered human capital management, these thrust and rationale aim to fill in the communication gaps in the management of resources and structures and in the implementation of interventions all of which tend to assign Communication as a secondary strategy.
While the FEU MA in Communication program is also similar to any other graduate studies in the country in preparing their students for a career in the academe, as seen in the inclusion of education-based courses, and for the continuing professional education of media practitioners, as reflected in the inclusion of technical-based courses; the FEU-MAC’s thrust, in particular, provides learning resources and training in strategic management of the dynamics of human resources and their communication tools in an organization. The courses are designed to cater to the greater understanding of how communication-based companies and institutions operate, the analysis of political and economic policies underlying the function of organizations, the value of incorporating communication technologies to the achievement of the company or institutions’ goals and objectives, and the development of a well-rounded communication manager that is not only business-oriented, but socially and ethically responsible as well. This thrust is also supplemented by courses from Psychology that is intended to highlight the importance of learning the culture of an organization, the significance of working within a multicultural environment, and the enhancement of leadership and managerial competencies that is responsive to the demands of the time.
ecognizing the changing and dynamic landscape of communication, the important role played by media companies, and the considerable influence exerted by new media technologies, there is a need to develop future leaders and managers specializing in communication that is largely considerate of local and global conditions to which communication-based companies and institutions largely operate.
The MA in Communication (MAC) program of Far Eastern University positions itself as the counterpart of an MBA. If an MBA program centers on the study of the cost-effective management of an organization’s business strategy, the MAC program focuses on the graduate students’ training in people-centered management of communication as a pivotal tool of and process in any organization. The FEU-MAC program emphasizes one of the journeys towards organizational success which is the strategic use of empathetic and ethical communication anchored on FEU’s core values: Fortitude, Excellence, and Uprightness. Through a people-centered human capital management, these thrust and rationale aim to fill in the communication gaps in the management of resources and structures and in the implementation of interventions all of which tend to assign Communication as a secondary strategy.
While the FEU MA in Communication program is also similar to any other graduate studies in the country in preparing their students for a career in the academe, as seen in the inclusion of education-based courses, and for the continuing professional education of media practitioners, as reflected in the inclusion of technical-based courses; the FEU-MAC’s thrust, in particular, provides learning resources and training in strategic management of the dynamics of human resources and their communication tools in an organization. The courses are designed to cater to the greater understanding of how communication-based companies and institutions operate, the analysis of political and economic policies underlying the function of organizations, the value of incorporating communication technologies to the achievement of the company or institutions’ goals and objectives, and the development of a well-rounded communication manager that is not only business-oriented, but socially and ethically responsible as well. This thrust is also supplemented by courses from Psychology that is intended to highlight the importance of learning the culture of an organization, the significance of working within a multicultural environment, and the enhancement of leadership and managerial competencies that is responsive to the demands of the time.
The graduates of MA in Communication are expected:
To demonstrate knowledge integration of communication perspectives with global trends and issues
To lead a media and communication environment that is:
inclusive and respectful of differences;
dynamic and convergent;
critical and innovative;
socially and morally responsible.
To apply appropriate communication strategies in socio-economic, cultural and political contexts across digital environments
To implement evidence-based and innovative communication programs and projects responsive to the needs of academic, corporate, government or industry sector
Public Information Officer
Public Relations Officer
Advertising or Marketing Executive
Human Resources Officer
Social Media Manager
Communications Lecturer
Communication Training Manager
Communication Researcher
Communications Specialist
Required Courses for Graduates ofNon-Communication Program
COMM 1 Introduction to Communication Media
COMM 2 Introduction to Communication Theory
COMM 5 Communication Management & Entrepreneurship
COMRES 1 Introduction to Communication Research
MCOM 100 Communication Research
Course Descriptions
MCOM 100
Communication Research
Development of research design; application of qualitative and quantitative research methods; problems of measurement; data collection, processing, analysis and interpretation. Preparation of the research report – form, content, and style. Lessons on the use of computer software in conducting and processing research data.
MCOM 101
Communication Research Statistics
Basic statistical principles useful in communication media organizations are presented. Topics include statistical sampling, probability theory, statistical estimation, hypothesis testing, regression, and correlation analysis and chi-square application. It relates statistics with communication theory and development communication. The use of computer for statistical analysis and computation (e.g. SPSS) is introduced.
MCOM 200
Communication Theory
Theories and models of the communication discipline examined in terms of established genres and traditions; comparison of the eastern and western theories; impact of ICT, globalization and other megatrends on theory building; basic concepts in theory construction and model building; and intertwining of theory and research.
MCOM 201
Communication & Management
Concepts and techniques of communication as applied in the management of public, private, and non-governmental organizations.
MCOM 202
Communication Media Laws & Ethics
Legal principles, laws, and policies affecting mass media, telecommunications and electronic media (including the Internet). In addition to laws on press freedom, libel, obscenity and pornography, among others, the course will also include intellectual property rights, public domain, e-commerce. Regulations adopted by self-regulatory bodies and professional organizations will also be discussed. Ethical principles in the practice of communication media.
MCOM 203
New Media Technologies
The course examines examines the role of new media technologies in society and culture. It looks at a range of intellectual traditions and disciplines that will help broaden our understanding of how new media technologies are changing politics, how convergence determines the landscape of our local media, and, how it shapes our identities, our interactions, and our understanding of a new social order. Lastly, this course focuses on the local setting especially on how Filipinos are utilizing technology as a form of expression, as extensions of themselves, and as a tool for development and empowerment.
Thesis/Special Project
This course combines relevant theoretical knowledge in order to produce an independent study on a particular communication phenomenon with practicable results. The student is also required to present their study in appropriate venues and to publish a journal article as part of their output.
ELECTIVES (9 units)
MCOM 204
Communication Policies and Planning
Communication policymaking and planning frameworks, processes and stakeholders; areas for policymaking and planning; inventory of communication media policies and plans; issues and advocacies in communication policymaking and planning.
MCOM 205
Integrated Marketing Communications
A management concept that is designed to make all aspects of marketing communication such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing work together as a unified force to achieve well-defined organizational objectives.
MCOM 206
Political Economy of Communication
This course looks at the interplay of communication industries and its links to the larger political and economic roles they play in society. This course is designed to help the students understand how today’s communication industries are becoming key players in the local and global business arena and are influencing key policies that shape the way society is structured. Key concepts such as ownership, market, practices, regulation and policies are central to the understanding of this course. Lastly, this course aims to develop critical thinking from a political and economic perspective with an end goal of using this knowledge to create relevant policies that will help shape the future of communication industries.
MCOM 207
Communication Project Management
The course provides management competencies for communication-related program and projects from initiation stage to implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. It also covers areas related to strategic planning, goal-setting, and leadership styles and strategies.
MCOM 208
Organizational Communication
Study of organizational patterns, structures and development, with emphasis on communication as a tool and process in achieving effectiveness in the operations of a particular organization, including the analyses of the interrelationships of management theories, principles, and trends.
MCOM 209
Development Communication
This course provides an examination of communication for planned change. It surveys the use of information, development and communication media in basic communication policies and strategies in relation to problems of modernization and globalization. It aims to train students in competencies that include: information gathering and processing, knowledge management and problem solving, decision analysis and community development.
MCOM 210
Digital Media Arts & Multimedia Production
A hands-on introductory course that integrates the principles and practices in the use of digital technology for multimedia productions that can be distributed and exhibited in multi-platforms, taking into account the output’s educational entertainment, and informative value.
MCOM 211
Multimedia Presentation Skills
Advanced course on oral presentation that focuses on the use of in-depth, research-based audience analysis, methods of delivery; application of theories of persuasion and multi-media techniques.
MCOM 212
Media and Information Literacy
This course is designed to develop the students’ understanding of communication practices and techniques with the end goal of combining critical approaches with praxis that is responsive to the needs of the current communication landscape. As media and communication practitioners exerting considerable influence in shaping public and private agenda, this course will explore the effects of media to understand how it can work for us, to deconstruct the different myths surrounding media and technology, to create responsible media content, and to develop a media and information literate audience.
MCOM 213
International/Intercultural Communication
This course identifies the key challenges presented by intercultural interaction and how these challenges affect people, their jobs and their relationships. It focuses on the strategies and skills needed to deal effectively with these challenges in a broad variety of interaction contexts.
COGNATES (6 units)
PSY 214
Group Process
This involves exposure to actual group interaction techniques for further development of human resources in the world of work. In addition, this involves the application of leadership skills and coping strategies with the sudden changes in corporate policies
PSY 220
Seminar on Filipino Personality
Study of concepts and indigenous methods in Sikolohiyang Pilipino and its applications in various fields of psychology specifically in the area of research.
PSY 222
Organizational Development
Pragmatic application of the holistic approach to industrial challenges through the use of psychological strategies for problems and solutions related to the development of the field.
Curriculum Planning and Development
This course discusses the fundamental areas that affect the design and development of a curriculum. It covers theories and principles governing curriculum development, designing and evaluating curriculum and developing instructional materials.
MCOM 101 Communication Research Statistics
MCOM 200 Communication Theory
MCOM 201 Communication & Management
MCOM 202 Communication Media Laws & Ethics
MCOM 203 New Media Technologies
MCOM 204 Communication Policies and Planning
MCOM 205 Integrated Marketing Communications
MCOM 206 Political Economy of Communication
MCOM 207 Communication Project Management
MCOM 208 Organizational Communication
MCOM 209 Development Communication
MCOM 210 Digital Media Arts & Multimedia Production
MCOM 211 Multimedia Presentation Skills
MCOM 212 Media and Information Literacy
MCOM 213 International/Intercultural Communication
COGNATES (6 Units)
PSY 214 Group Process
PSY 220 Seminar on Filipino Personality
PSY 222 Organizational Development
EDUC 203B Curriculum Planning and Development
The comprehensive exam can only be taken after the student has completed all course works. This is held every first week of January and every first week of August and will be conducted in one day.
A graduate student needs to signify his/her plan to take the exam by submitting a letter of intent to the Program Head with the following attachments:
Photocopy of the Report of Rating (ROR) and its receipt and
Photocopy of the Examination Fee receipt.
A Panel of Examiners shall be appointed by the Program Head and shall have the following responsibilities:
To provide a set of reading list to cover the core and required courses as well as the communication electives that will be given to the students;
To prepare the comprehensive exam questions;
To check and grade the students’ exam answers; and
To provide the Department of Communications a detailed description of the examination result to justify the given grade.
The comprehensive exam is made up of three areas:
Research, and
The examinee must be able to get the passing average of all the three exam areas.
The system of grading is as follows:
100 to 90
High Pass
89 to 76
75 to 60
Low Pass
Below 60
A student who has completed all academic requirements qualifies as a candidate for graduation. Below are the documents that one needs to secure the following:
Completely filled-up application for graduation with 1 pc. 2 x 2 picture (with white background)
Proof of ID Picture Retake (ID Section)
Photocopy of NSO Certified Birth Certificate
FEU Official Receipt of Report of Rating
FEU Official Receipt of Alumni Fee
Long brown envelope with the following details:
Name: Last Name, First Name MI
Student Number
Degree Program
Mobile Number
Email Address
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