Far Eastern University (FEU) has the implicit or “built-in” obligation of providing students with atmosphere that promotes or assists in attaining its primary undertaking of imparting knowledge. It is the legal responsibility of the University to ensure that adequate steps are taken to maintain peace and order within the campus premises and to prevent the breakdown thereof.
The students while in FEU, are in the custody and hence, the responsibility of the University authorities as long as they are under the control and influence of the University, whether the semester has not yet begun or has already ended, or even if the student is just relaxing in the campus in the company of his classmates.
The students, by enrolling and attending the University, place themselves under the custodial supervision and disciplinary authority of the University authorities, which is the basis of the University’s correlative responsibility for the students’ torts, committed while under the University’s disciplinary authority.
Hence, the FEU students are expected to exhibit a high degree of maturity and personal integrity; they are entitled to their rights with corresponding obligations, and are therefore responsible for their own actions. That being stated, hereunder are the rights of the FEU students.
Section 1. Academic Freedom
- Students have the right to choose their field of study from among existing curricula without prejudice to the pre-existing requirements for admission in certain programs of the University.
- Students shall express their opinion inside and outside the classroom in a respectful manner and subject to existing University policy.
- Student shall resort to procedures, as provided for in the Students’ Handbook, for the redress of their grievances concerning faculty, grades, class policies, and other academic-related matters.
Section 2. Academic Procedures.
- A copy of the updated Student Handbook should be made available to each student.
- Students have the right to complete information on their individual program of study.
- No regular classes shall be conducted during activity periods.
- Students shall not be required to attend any academic activity during University mandated and/or national holidays.
- Students shall be provided course outlines at the beginning of every semester.
- Students shall be graded according to their merits.
- Students have the right to be informed at the beginning of each semester how they will be evaluated in their course.
- Any change of requirements which are initiated by the faculty should have the approval of the Institute and prior consent of the class must be secured taking into consideration the individual concerns of the students.
- Absences shall not be taken against the grades of student unless they have exceeded the maximum tolerable absences.
- Students have the right to know their class performance data during the semester.
- Students have the right to see their graded quizzes, exams, projects, among others, before final examinations.
- Students have the right to an explanation concerning the bases of their grades for particular items, especially essays, oral exams, and group work.
- In case of group work, the students have to be provided a system of marking by the faculty that ensures just and equitable grading of individual members of the group.
- Students shall be informed of long examinations at least one (1) week advance, and the major examinations at least two (2) weeks in advance.
- Students shall be informed of any major papers, projects, and other requirements, including the due dates thereof during the class orientation at the first day of classes.
- In the event that students fail to comply with or submit any major requirement because of some grave reason, such as but not limited to sickness, hospitalization or accident, they shall have the right to do make-up work pending the presentation of relevant and valid proofs.
- Students have the right to see their papers and the computation of their final grades within two weeks from the posting of the grades or any such period prescribed for any petition to change a grade.
- Grades already given to students can only be changed if there was manifest error in computation or encoding, and for as long as the students will still have passing mark in the course, if such was the case. A passing final grade already given and posted to the student’s records can no longer be changed to a failing grade.
- Students have the right to consult their teachers at the consultation hours chosen by the faculty, which should be announced to the students during the class orientation at the first day of classes.
Section 3. Security of Tenure.
Students have the right to complete their program of study in the University, except in cases of academic deficiency, violation of Student Code of Conduct, health and safety reasons, behavioral deficiency, or non- payment of tuition and fees.
Section 4. Evaluation of Faculty
Pursuant to the right of the students to quality education through competent and committed faculty as shown in their attendance and punctuality in their classes, their specialization and expertise, and teaching competence, the students have the right to evaluate their faculty towards the end of the semester.
Section 5. School Facilities.
The students have the right to adequate academic facilities, such as but not limited to adequate classrooms, library, research, laboratory, and physical education facilities, including open spaces for student academic interactions.
Section 1. Subject to submission of all requirements and settlement of or clearance of pending impediments, students have the right to be issued official certificates, diplomas, transcripts of records, record of rating, transfer credentials, and other similar documents within seven (7) working days from the filing of request.
Section 2. Students have the right to be informed of tuition fees, special fees or assessments, and their breakdown, as well as due dates for payments.
Section 1. Students shall express their views and opinion inside and outside the classroom in a respectful manner and subject to existing University policy. Any opposition to school policies, which are disadvantageous to the interests of the students, shall not be a ground for denying or withdrawing scholarship grants and privileges of deserving students.
Section 2. The privacy of communication and correspondence of students is inviolable. However, any form of private communication and correspondence that violates University policies or injurious to the reputation of the University or any of the stakeholders is not allowed.
Section 3. Rights of Student Publications
- Students have the right to publish student newspapers and other similar publications, as guided by Republic Act 7079 (otherwise known as the “Campus Journalism Act”.), without fear of persecution from, and without threat of being in any way penalized or punished by University officials for any view responsibly expressed. The student publication shall not be subjected to any kind of coercion, bribe, duress or censorship.
- The student editor-in-chief and his/her staff shall be selected according to official procedures, without the interference or influence of the University officials.
- During their term, the editor and the editorial staff can only be removed upon compliance with both substantive and procedural due process.
Section 4. Right to Religious Expression and Practice
a. The University recognizes the students’ right to religious expression. It shall endeavor to provide students with adequate multi-faith religious services and facilities.
b. Students shall have the right to practice their respective religions as long as they do not hinder the practice of other faiths and beliefs and do not transgress the policies of the University, as well as its Vision and Mission.
Section 5. Choice of Attire
Students shall have the right to dress according to their respective SOGIE while keeping within the prescribed school attire of the University. In the absence of school attire, students are expected to dress simply, appropriately, and decently.
Section 1. Adjustment of tuition fees may only be effected after students and or their parents have been consulted at least thirty (30) days before the start of the academic year when the adjustments are to take effect.
Section 2. Students shall have the right to be consulted on any proposed increase or creation of University fees. The justification for such shall be disseminated and discussed in consultative meetings properly documented and circulated.
Section 3. Involuntary contributions shall not be imposed on students.
Section 4. Students shall have the right to be consulted, through their representatives, before any University policy affecting them is approved and implemented.
Section 1. Student Organizations
- The University prohibits membership of its students in fraternities, sororities, and other organizations operating within the University premises which is not recognized by FEU.
- Student organizations have the right to seek accreditation subject to standards and requirements set by the Student Development and their respective Institute.
- Student organizations shall enjoy autonomy—they have their own leadership structure and they set their own directions and goals that complement the thrust of Student Development and their respective Institute. The faculty advisers of the student organizations act in an advisory capacity. The Office of Student Development sets the parameters within which the organizations shall operate.
Section 2. Student Council
- The University shall ensure the democratic and autonomous existence of the student councils in each Institute.
- Despite the presence of Institute Student Councils, there shall be one supreme body, the FEU Central Student Council (FEUCSO), which shall be the official representative of all the student organizations in the University.
- All student councils, including all the other student organizations in the University, shall have their own sets of officers, both elected and or appointed, and shall have the right to determine their policies and programs on matters within their respective jurisdiction, guided by their respective duly ratified constitution and/orby-laws.
- The University shall also provide, free of charge, shared spaces to house the FEU Central Student Council, and the student organizations under it.
Section 3. Security of Tenure
Student leaders shall be assured of security of tenure in their positions for the duration of their term, unless removed due to poor academic standing, academic and or behavioral violations of the Student Code of Conduct, or impeachment.
Section 4. Student Activities Finances
On behalf of the Student Council and the Student Publications, the school shall collect the student organization fee and the student publication fee, the allocation of which shall be in accordance with existing policy and subject to audit by the Student Development.
Section 5. Allocation of Facilities for Student Activities
The University shall provide, free of charge, shared spaces to house the offices of the different recognized student organizations within the campus, subject to the Policy on Use of University Premises. Whenever possible, it shall allow student organizations to use the University facilities for their events free of charge during the Activity Periods, to support and encourage student participation in extra-curricular activities.
Section 1. While the students have the right to be free from any form of unreasonable search and seizure as defined by law, students shall, however, upon entering the campus, submit themselves to inspection by the security officers when requested. Bags, portfolios, brief cases and packages are subject to inspection at all times. Items prohibited under the Student Code of Conduct shall be confiscated and subject to proper disposal, without prejudice to imposition of sanctions for violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
Section 2. All students shall have the right to be treated with courtesy and respect, to be free from physical and sexual harassment, and to be protected from libelous and slanderous statements.
Section 3. With the pursuit of academic excellence and attainment of the exercise of academic freedom in mind, the University endeavors to have an atmosphere free from fear and unreasonable restraint for the students.
- Students shall have the right to be informed of the complaint against them, to answer the charge/s hurled against them, and to be rendered an impartial decision.
- Students have the right to choose whether to undergo informal resolution process or to request for a full investigation on the case by the Ad Hoc Discipline Committee.
c. The students have the right to have their parents witness the presentation of their defense during the hearing conducted by the Ad Hoc Discipline Committee.
d. Sanctions on the students shall not be meted out without affording the students due process, particularly the observance of the following rights:
1. To be presumed innocent until proven otherwise
2. To be informed of the charge(s)
3. To confront the complainant and the evidence against them
4. To be heard.
e. All decisions in any disciplinary proceeding of the students involved shall be based on relevant and substantial evidence.
f. The gravity of disciplinary sanctions shall be proportionate to the seriousness of the violation committed.
g. The students have the right to appeal the decision on their case to the Director of Student Discipline.
Section 1. No policy shall be enforced ex post facto.
Section 2. Students shall have the right to file an appeal on any policy and decision of the University, in accordance with existing procedures.