About our office
The Guidance & Counseling (G & C) offers FEU students comprehensive, responsive, proactive, dynamic, evidence based, and advocacy driven guidance programs designed to help them become more directed and purposive in life. It also assist students to fully enhance capabilities in coping not only with University demands but more so with life’s complexities in order to reach their fullest potentials.
Our Mission and Vision
FEU Guidance & Counseling seeks to contribute to the holistic development of students by providing psychological support and helping them prepare for their future roles as productive members of society.
Our Objective
G & C provides an opportunity for students to identify, understand, develop, and have the appreciation of themselves based on their personalities, abilities, interests, and aptitudes in order to have holistic development thereby, preparing them to become responsible citizens that contributes to nation building.
Our Services
- Orientation & Information
- Initial & Exit Interviews
- Individual Inventory
- Follow-up
- Psychological Testing
- Research & Evaluation
- Programs for special target groups
- Creative Therapies
- Consultation & Collaboration
- Seminars
FEU Guidance & Counseling TeleWellbeing has a new link starting this Second Semester, SY 2021-2022. Click bit.ly/FEUTeleWellbeingV2 to set an online appointment with your assigned Guidance Counselors for personal, social, academic, and career concerns.
Intervention Programs
- Academic Achievers Development (AAD) Program seeks to promote the values and expertise of scholars so that they will serve as models to other students.
- Anti-Bullying Core Group Program (ABCG) an advocacy driven program in the prevention of bullying not only in the campus but even outside FEU.
- Academic Competence and Empowerment (ACE) Program aims to help new students adjust to university life through values formation and life skills development modules.
- Athletics Counseling Program (ACP) designed to meet the needs and challenges of student-athletes such as building on the self and developing a winning attitude.
- Children of OFW’s Support Program (COSP) addresses the rising concerns of OFW children such as personal, social, academic, and career concerns while being away from their significant people in their lives.
- Drug Abuse and Prevention Core Group (DAPCG) Program aims to prevent substance abuse by providing skills enhancement program and behavior modification strategies.
- International Students Empowerment Program (ISEP) offers modules for international students in order to adjust and cope with the university life and Filipino culture.
- Peer Counselors Program (PEER) is a continuing training and development program for peer facilitators in order to promote mental health advocacy.
- Program for Career Development (PROCEED) to assist students in enhancing their career growth and development.
- Students at Risk (STAR) Program provide modular activities to assist those students who need to perform better in their academics.
Procedures in Availing Counseling Services
To provide the students, parents, and other university stakeholders with the step by step process in availing Counseling Services to walk-in, call-in, and referred clients. Moreover, to ensure safety and improve the psychological well-being of the client.
- Counselees who wish to avail of the counseling services can inquire with the Guidance & Counseling Staff or through online appointment channel.
- G&C staff will direct the counselee to the corresponding Counselor in-charge.
- The Guidance Counselor will schedule a session with the counselee at a time agreeable to both of them.
- The Guidance Counselor may schedule a counseling/follow-up session/termination with the counselee if necessary (Follow-up session may also mean administering test or battery of tests to clients).
- Once results of the assessments indicated that counselee needs further evaluation from a psychologist/psychiatrist, the parents/guardians of the counselee will be called for conference and proper referral. Counselee is required to submit clearance for enrolment/fit to study on the agreed date of submission to University Heath Service (UHS) and Guidance & Counseling Offices.
- If the student will not be able to provide a medical clearance at the agreed schedule, the counselor will request for impediment of the concerned counselee to the University Health Service endorsed by the director of Guidance & Counseling. The UHS will then coordinate with the Security Office concerning the students’ gate entry.
- Once clearance has been issued from the Psychiatrist, the counselor will refer the counselee to the Program Head to inform the respective professors about the students’ condition and assist the student with academic concerns.
- The counselor will monitor and conduct follow-up/ counseling sessions with the concerned counselee.
- The counselee will evaluate the counseling conducted.
- The Guidance Counselor prepares a counseling report.
- The Guidance Counselor will keep a copy of the counselee’s record for documentation.