The Center for Teaching and Learning convened select faculty members to plan, design and develop contents for FEU SY 2023-2024 teacher trainings. The attendees shall be the project leads and are expected to be trainers and mentors of future CTL programs.
The planning was conducted last May 29-30 2023, at FEU Cavite.
The program began with a review of the CTL quality objectives, ensuring its alignment with the strategies in promoting FEU teaching philosophy and educational brand. Discussions revolved around the previously conducted CTL projects namely:
· FEU CRAFT (Course Refresher in Assessing and Facilitating Teaching-Learning)—the pre-semestral in-service training for faculty of FEU Manila and affiliate schools;
· TIP-Talk (Teaching in Practice-Talk)—the FEU mentoring program for new faculty and teaching assistants;
· TAP (Teaching and Assistantship Preparation)—a short training that introduces faculty to the FEU teaching-learning environment;
· CTS (Culture of Teaching and Service)—courses designed to equip faculty with advance knowledge in the pedagogy, promoting the culture of Tam Education; and
· other projects co-organized with partner offices.
The attendees reviewed the evaluation reports of the projects and prepared their design for the coming academic year. They were also taught how to create a training design that can address the needs of their target beneficiaries. CTL, this year, aspires to continue its support to the institutes in maintaining quality education and extend its services to affiliate and partner schools. This aspiration will be achieved through the commitment of the CTL project leads.