FEU Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management has formally accepted the hosting of the 2nd Asia Pacific State of the Art Events Research Conference in 2020. This event brings together representatives from different Tourism and Hospitality universities across Asia to discuss about events management and its underlying opportunities.
The first ever conference, organized by the Asia Pacific Institute of Events Management, was successfully held in Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata (Bali Tourism Institute) last September 19-21, 2019. The attendees were treated to the beauty and grandiose of the so-called Island of Gods (Bali).
Tourism Management Program Head Johncent del Rosario represented FEU ITHM in the turnover ceremony with APIEM President Dr. David Hind and Vice President Dr. Karen Fernandez.
FEU ITHM is among the few schools in country recognined by APIEM as a Center of Excellence.
According to an official release, the recent conference featured three keynote speakers. Dr Anang Sutono, representing the Rp of Indonesia Minister of Tourism, explained the importance of faculty members to undertake applied research in support of policy decisions on how to develop further the Asia Pacific MICE industry.
Dr. Christina Rudatin from Politeknik Negara Jakarta spoke on how the ASEAN Standards for MICE have been created and the implications of them for events/MICE programs across the ASEAN region.
Finally, Dr. Richard Daenos, President of City College, Angeles, Philippines shared with the conference delegates how events & festivals can contribute to transforming a tourist destination`s image using the city of Angeles as a case study.
The three were awarded with APIEM`s highest level of recognition – APIEM Professional Fellowship certificate. This certificate is offered to events/MICE professionals who have made an outstanding contribution to the events/MICE industry in Asia Pacific.