Far Eastern University (FEU) and Shandong University has an ongoing faculty and student lecture-exchange program.
The FEU-Shandong University “Academic Intercultural Exchange Program” aims to promote academic cooperation between FEU Institute of Nursing and Shandong College of traditional Medicine.
For the month of February, faculty and students of FEU and Shandong University were able to attend exclusive lectures and engage in discussions with lecturers from each school. The different topics included Transcultural Nursing, Disaster Nursing, and Nursing Research.
On February 28, March7, and 9, 2022, the topic will be on Medical Surgical Nursing with focus on Neuro Assessment.
On May 4, 2022, the lecture is on Transcultural Nursing with the topic on Alternative Medicine.
The Academic Intercultural Exchange Program started this Second Semester, SY 2021-2022